Marking her

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Hi, here is your next chapter..


~Niall's P.O.V.~

I looked down at her, she was obviously struggling to keep her wolf down.

"Ava are you sure?" I asked her calmly

'Mark Her!!!!!!!!!' Stark growled at me, pushing to get to the surface

Ava can only growl and nod, I know her wolf is close to the surface, and any minute she could break through. I crawl up onto the bed and sit beside her and pull her onto my lap.

"This is only going to hurt for a little bit, it'll get better.. I promise" I said to her

She nods and shuts her eyes. I lower my head to her neck and find the spot as to where I specifically am supposed to mark her. I bite down onto the spot and I feel her tense, that's when the mark sets in.

~Ava Is marked and whatever~

I look down at Ava sleeping, my mark on her neck, letting every male and female wolf know that she is mine. 

Stark growled at that 'She is ours' he corrected me

'sorry, yeah she is ours' I apologized 

I felt him yawn, and I yawned with him. I went into the other room and fell asleep on the bed.


I felt something in my mind stir, and I knew it was Ava, I also sensed a bit of hunger. I got up quickly and went into the kitchen and made a huge breakfast, knowing what she wanted was easy, Pancakes with bananas in them, Bacon, and breakfast sandwiches. By the time she came down I was just finnishing up the last of the bacon, and she sat down eyes watching my every move and her stomach growling.

I smirked and turned around "Some one is hungry"

She nodded and smiled "yeah, I am really hungry"

I gave her, her half of the food and I took mine, we easily ate it in 10 minutes. When we were finnished I sensed confusion in Ava, I looked over and she was sitting there looking confused.

"Whats wrong Ava?" I asked worried

"So now that you marked me, you can feel my emotions, but why can't I feel yours, am I supposed to mark you?" She asked curiously

"Ummm.... yeah, but only when you felt up to it, cause being marked takes some energy out of you, so you can rest today if you'd like" I answered her

I saw her eyes flash amber and my wolf started to push to get control, I had to fight him down.

She came over to me and hugged me, I automatically relaxed and sighed. She lowered her head down to my neck and bit down, I shut my eyes and growled slightly.. She stopped and I turned around to look at her, I stood up and kissed her mark, getting a gasp from her. I smirked at her and walked to the kitchen to clean up the dishes. When I was finnished I sensed her eyes on my ass, so I jokingly wiggled it and she laughed. I felt my wolf move, but I easily held him down.

I turned around "So , Ava what do you want to do today?..." I asked 

"I want to go to a fair!" she says excited

"great timing, the Irish Wolf  fair starts today!" I said excited 

"Okay, let me go get dressed and I'll be back down!" Ava says excitedly as she races upstairs to her room. 

Today was going to be awesome!



Hi peoples....

So, today I am feeling a little bit better, so I decided why not update? so yeah...

If you'd like, I'm going to start doing this question thing, where you peoples leave questions in the comment area, or Pm me with a number and a question.. and in the next update I will answer them, so please... ask me a question!! 


Did you love it? Did you hate it? 

Well let me know,

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PEACE~Nadia out!! .__.

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