Wanted-No, Needed.

779 30 25

~Authors Note~

TBH I don't feel like doing a recap cause that takes a lot of effort. 

Quick question to my patient fans, should I make the book more steamy or no? Answer in the comments!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Zayns P.O.V~

I had her pinned up against the wall, I could feel the lust coming from her. My wolf pushing to take control and do what I'm meant to do... My thoughts are unfortunately interrupted by a familiar growl... Louis. I guess I could continue this later. I huff and slowly let her down and give her a quick peck before I leave into the forest. I needed to be as far away as possible to not go in there and tear Louis apart for touching my mate..

~Ava's P.O.V~

Louis walks in and I can instantly feel his wolf, within seconds Zayn is gone and I'm pinned up against the wall again but by Louis. 

"Mine." Louis growls lowly as he quickly takes my lips with his. 

Passion. Lust. Need. 

These emotions flooded my brain. My brain so distracted I give out an involuntary moan, sending Louis into over drive. He picks me up and puts me on the bed, his eyes are swirling with his and his wolfs eyes. Louis trying to keep what little control he has left. 

"Louis." I growl out, The burning sensation of needing to be marked comes over me. "I swear to the moon goddess if you don't mark me within 3 sec-"

I was cut off by Louis sinking his teeth into my neck. Ecstasy. The mark pleasurably burned and heated me up beyond control. I growl and forcefully connect my lips with his. I wanted more-no I needed more.

~Louis's P.O.V~

I wanted more-no I needed more of her. The way she growled my name threw me into a frenzie. I ripped away at her shirt, wanting to pleasure my mate. I planted slow but intense kisses along her stomach up to her collar bone. She inhaled sharply sensing what I was about to do. I slowly drew my tongue across my mark on her neck, her hands instantly going into my hair and keeping me where she wanted me most. At her mark. Her small frame arched into my touch, wanting more, needing more, craving more, like a fire needing water to be put out. I let out a low rumble and nipped at my mark again, sending her body and mind into a frenzie. I was about to give into my starving desire, but as soon as the thought came across my mind Ava was shifted into a beautiful snow leopard. Her eyes blazing purple, her perfectly white coat (except for the typical markings of course) I was mesmerized by her. So mesmerized I didn't even realize that she saw me as a threat.

~Zayn's P.O.V~

Running through the forest trying to connect to Ava's feelings they suddenly hit me like a brick wall, a sudden sense of danger came from no where. Instantly, as fast as I could, I ran back towards the house. I ran as fast as my four paws would carry me, dodging fallen trees, fences, hedges, literally anything that came in my way was quickly disposed of. No one is going to hurt my precious mate. Not while I'm breathing. Not ever. Within seconds I found myself bursting through the back entrance door to the house, I bounded up the stairs, still in my wolf form I bursted through the doors to find a Snow leopard on top of Louis... This didn't look so good.

~Ava's P.O.V~

"A-Ava, what are you doing?" The man underneath my big paws gasped out in shock 

I hissed lowly at the sound of my name coming out of this mans mouth.

Crack . I heard/felt a presence at the door,  I extended my claws a bit just enough to get to the man underneath me not to move and looked over to the door frame. There stood a big, and slightly intimidating black wolf, his eyes piercingly gold. I purred lightly at the sight of him, the presence of this male made me want to do horribly good things. Within seconds I found myself stalking over to him to get a closer look.

"Mate... Z-Zayn" I purred out in my mind

"Yes, love. It's me. What are you doing to Louis?" Zayn replied hesitantly 

Within seconds I was fully back and shifted on the spot. 

"Oh my gosh Louis I'm so flippin sorry!" I blurted out and ran over to look at him 

With a small smirk Louis replied "Frisky, it's alright love. I'm already healed" 

I looked down at myself and noticed I was butt naked. My cheeks became hella red, like a natural reaction I covered my face (although I should've covered my body). Zayn was instantly covering me from Louis's eyes. I rolled my eyes which caused Zayn to growl lightly.

"Louis. Get out." Zayn ordered darkly

Without another word, Louis left the room. I was confused to as why Louis left so calmly, but before I could put much thought into it I was pinned up against the wall, a hungry Zayn staring down at me with a smirk. I tried to look away but his eyes captivated me, it was impossible for me to look away. He slowly lowered his head into the crook of my neck, just his warm minty breath on his mark made my skin tingle. Breathlessly I let out a low moan, my body felt like it was on fire with just one touch from him. I melted into his touch, and he knew it.

"Is my little shifter going to behave herself?" Zayn growled into my ear, sending shivers down my spine 

I nodded rapidly, trying to keep myself under control. He was teasing me and it was working, to make it worse he knew it was setting me on a sweet merciful edge. With a smirk he brought his lips back up to mine and I returned the kiss hungrily. I wanted more, I needed more.  I was yearning for his touch. 

"Ahem..." someone interrupted our steamy session

Zayn turned around, shielding my body from the eyes from the rest of my mates. "What?" Zayn replied obviously ticked off that he got interrupted.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~

How'd you like this chapter?

Whats going on with Ava and randomly shifting at times?

Whats going on between Zayn and Ava?

Do you want more of a steamy story? Cause I can make it happen.

Comment below! Leave a Vote! Add this story to your library! 

Nadia out~ O3O

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