So Much For Personal Space

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Hey everyone, thought I'd update and keep all y'all happy...

So enjoy!

(P.S: there probably won't be recaps anymore cause I'm a lazy little shit)

~Niall's P.O.V~

Literally couldn't tell you how long us lads watched as Zayn and Ava were getting a bit steamy. It put my wolf and I on edge though.

"Ahem..." I coughed out to gain their attention and stop the potential complete mating.

Zayn replied with a grunt obviously not impressed with being interrupted. Zayn stepped away, leaving Ava's naked frame exposed. Instantly I felt the urge, and I knew everyone else did too. Slowly I approached her, my eyes probably becoming darker every second that passes, I picked her up and went to the basement to a room that's all bed. I laid her down and pressed my lips against her soft, pink, and plump lips. My body starting to heat up with just a meer kiss. I growled lowly at the sensations running through my body. All my focus was on my mate, her body pressed against mine, her body disobeying her mind, the way she tried to fight back moans, everything she did set me on fire. I wanted more of her, with every minute passing I could feel my need growing for her.

~Harry's P.O.V~

"Uh, guys... I'm pretty sure Niall is gunna try to complete their bond..." I said uneasily

And just like that everyone was running downstairs, I bursted through the door and pushed Niall off of Ava. I covered her in blankets and grabbed her some clothes to put on.

"Niall you don't have the right!" I growled lowly at him "You know that it makes a difference about who goes first"

"Wait, what?" Ava pipped up obviously confused

"Whomever you decide to complete the bond with first will have the strongest connection and more rights to you, and etc..." Liam said nervously scratching at his head

"So... I have to chose?..." Ava asked "What do you mean stronger connection, more rights, what else do they get? Why wasn't I told any of this?!?" Ava threw her hands up in fury

Without a word everyone just curled up to Ava and cooed her, explaining that everything will be explained another day, to just go to sleep. And soon, we all fell asleep surrounding Ava.

~Ava's P.O.V~

I woke up surrounded by all my mates... I didn't want to move at all, but my need for food was overpowering the sweet and savoury moment. So I did what any person surrounded by loved ones would do... I pushed them all off of me and quickly ran to the kitchen before any of my startled mates could catch me and get revenge. No regrets. As soon as I reached the kitchen my stomach growled I grabbed an apple and started to eat it... this will temporarily tide keep me happy whilst I continue on my journey for food. What to eat though... waffles, pancakes, fresh fruit, veggies, poptarts... I'll just make it all.

One by one my mates appeared at the edge of the kitchen their eyes watching my every move. They all had devilish smirks on their faces and I didn't like that one bit.

"What are you guys planning? I swear if you mess with my food I'll friggin end you all" I growled as I put myself in between the food and them

"Awe look how protective she is! That's adorable!" Louis cooed

"I'll bite your faces off! I-I'll do it." I stuttered as they all slowly inched towards me. "Please..." I begged and gave them the biggest puppy dog eyes

Boom. All of them at once stopped in their tracks. I quickly grabbed all my food and made a dash for the door. They'll have to fight me for it damnit. I make it up into my bedroom and stuff the food into my face. Cause I'm so lady like. I sighed as my tummy felt nicely full and I was drifting off to sleep when I heard the boys walk into my room and they all started bickering with each other... great.

"What the hell are you guys fighting about?" I groaned and rolled to face them

"Niall started to lose control again..." Liam rolled his eyes

"So can someone explain to me the rules of the first one who mates with me?.." I asked getting a bit irritated

All the boys looked at each other and then at me. They came and sat in my bed. Zayn was the first to talk...

~Zayn's P.O.V~

"Well... basically who ever completes the mating bond first has a deeper connection..." I paused, "And come the time for it.. well uh, will father the child of our group." I finished and could see Ava's face go red

"Oh...And I have to pick who it is or is there like a coin toss or some ancient ritual?" Ava laughed nervously and ran her fingers through her beautiful hair as she continued, "And why does it have to be one that I have a child with?"

"Well basic werewolf instincts would make the first father want to kill the second fathers' child..."  Liam said slowly

Ava's jaw dropped. That's one thing that will always suck about a female having multiple male mates. My heart ached for her, it is the hardest decision she will probably ever have to make. The thought of her carrying the others baby made me upset but there's no other way around it. I wish I had her all to myself, not have to make her choose...

"But how do I even make that decision? It'll tear us apart!" Ava groaned and buried her face into the pillows

"Well technically not, because the first male becomes the alpha figure to the males of the group and then the whole group treats the child as their own." Louis said whole rubbing Ava's back soothingly, "Plus we would respect your decision whatever it be love."

~Ava's P.O.V~

Great. Just friggin great. And I thought the marking thing was tough. This is not an easy decision at all and I don't even know how to decide that. I can't. It's one thing to have a stronger connection. But to be the only one allowed to have their own
biological children and become an authoritative figure... that's too big of a decision. How do I pick?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHORS NOTE~

Please don't hate me for taking a billion years to update...
So who do you think Ava should pick?

Question of the day:
You can have any animal as a pet. What is it and what's its name?

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Nadia out~ O3O

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