Home away from Home

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"I hope there are no hard feelings, 117. I merely doing my job, and after Dr.Halsey discovered Cortana's intentions I di-"

"You did your job, like any other soldier, Locke. Thank you for saving me & my only family I have left."

Master Chief rarely spoke, but Locke felt he needed to explain why he had to stop John from going AWOL to being lured into a deadly trap. Locke just stared at Chief, who was clearly fighting himself within head down in his hands mulling over what happened in the last 3 days from Argent Moon to Genesis.

Locke put his helmet back on, and tried to recall what had happened also. Locke was very professional by the book ONI officer, now a Spartan he felt more pressure to deliver & keep moral with Fireteam Osiris. Not that mattered as his squad was loyal to him and other members, he turned to his right, He saw the unmistakeable visor of Edward Buck the Green & yellow visor, the former ODST clearly talking to someone on a private channel in his helmet. Locke didn't question it, everyone deserved some me time.

"Hey, Locke....you okay?"

"I'm good, Vale. You ok?"

"Tired, hungry....yet accomplished, I just feel as if we are going to see a new war, a war that even we might struggle against."

Vale, she was questioning every action or combat scenario she did. Locke felt she had every right to do that, a sane Spartan would question everything within, rarely speak out. But Vale did that, in a strange way in did comfort Locke.

"Whatever Cortana plans to do with the Guardians, we'll be ready...Vale."

Vale looked at Locke, puzzled as if Locke had given her a riddle a child would be confused about till they was an adult and learnt the true meaning but in a way Locke had to the Squad Leader thing, making sure the squad was cool calm and collected.

Blue team now was at the far side of the Pelican, all sat together clearly talking, a circle of trust if there ever was one though Locke. Tanaka also looked clearly curious, she took her helmet off and placed it between her legs & gently rubbed her eyes. Clearly battled fatigued.

"Are we a family? Y'know....Daddy Locke, who's the mom?"

"Real funny, Buck....how is Veronica?"

"No I am serious, you guys are practically family, look at those guys it means a lot to them, she's fine thanks Tanaka.

"I would say Tanaka is more the mother type, with her wise words. I'm still the teenager, learning as I go"

"Seriously Vale!? Pfft, teenager my ass"

"Guess that means your that uncle everyone had he thought they was funny? But really annoying, eh Buck?"

"Funny gal, hey Locke you ok over there? Been awfully quiet, not far now till warm food though."

"I'm good, Buck. Just letting it sink in, no doubt Commander Palmer & Captain Lasky will want a debrief....not sure if Blue Team will be there, might taken by other ONI officers, I have cleared their names."

"That's good, at least we won't get hated, remember that chat? Before this kicked off."

"Chat? You guys...."

"Nothing major, Vale. Buck thought every UNSC Soldier or Spartan would hate us because we was after Chief. Guess now we know why he did it he had his intentions."

The squad went quiet, Locke stood up and saw Infinity in the distance. He felt nervous, mainly for Chief & Blue Team. But after what happened there would be no court martial for the team, instead they would questioned about Cortana had said to them. Locke just wanted to get on his bed and sleep but that would wait.

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