Chapter 3

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The Doctor followed my gaze to the door. Suddenly he looked alert.

"Close the door!" he shouted. "Quickly!"

We simultaneously snapped our fingers and the door flew closed and then open again. This time I let him snap. He must have been expecting me to snap though, because he didn't close it right away. Instead, he looked at me for a second and then snapped his fingers.

It was too late, though. The thing had entered the door. It had been moving quite fast, but now it slowed a bit to more of a float. It stayed in the same spot for a few seconds and then started to move towards me.

"Doctor?" I asked backing up.

"Lily, get back!" he said.

"I'm trying!"

"Lily, try to come towards me. I think I can trap it."

I moved towards him quickly. From the corner of my eye, I saw the Doctor behind me, holding up some contraption. I backed towards him more quickly. At the last second, I jumped out of the way and landed next to him. Meanwhile, the Doctor was struggling with the possessor. He seemed to be trying to force it into some container that had two ends. He was trying to bring the two ends together. Finally, he succeeded.

"Well, that's that," he said visible relief. "Now for the Sontar..."

But he never finished his sentence, because the possessor flew straight out of the container as though it was nothing. It flew at me and it pushed me down. I fell onto the floor of the TARDIS, at little shaken, but barley hurt. I just had a small cut on my hand.

"You okay, Lily?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "How did that thing get out?"

"I'm not sure. This container is made of graphene. And it has a deadlock seal!"

Then he struggled again with the possessor. I wanted to help, but I wasn't sure how. I tried to approach, but as soon as I reached out my hand, the creature stopped still. It hissed at me, but it couldn't move, though my hand was shaking from the effort. Somehow, I was controlling it. I moved my hand up and the possessor moved up with it.

"What are you?" I hissed, only it didn't sound like me. It was like another language.

"Let I go!" It said halting, as though it didn't speak the language now. It thrashed wildly and tried to break free. My hand was tired and I let go. The effort had drained me and I collapsed.

I was unconscious and I couldn't see anything, but somehow, I was aware of two presences. I was still in my own body and it wasn't exactly hearing or seeing, but it was sensing. I sort of felt the Doctor move towards me at the same time as the creature.

My hand lay, palm-up, on the cold TARDIS floor. That is what I was most aware of. The cut on my hand stung and suddenly it burned cold. Fire and Ice flowed through my veins and I became aware of a hissing in my head that dulled everything else.

Suddenly, I sat up. I wasn't sure weather to clutch my head or my hand, but both hurt, so I settled for both. Namely, burying my head in my knees and holding my hand with my other hand, clutched to my stomach.

The Doctor quietly sat down next to me. It was all I could do to keep from crying, but somehow, something in my head told me not to cry, so I didn't. The Doctor put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me. I lifted my head and look at him.

"Doctor? What happened?"

He didn't respond immediately.

"Doctor?" I asked again.

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