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With that he lifted Annie off his lap and left through the back door. She never saw him again. She didn't know what it meant all she knew is that it would stay with her forever.


Annie was driving down the highway. Singing along  to the radio, when her phone started ringing. She turned down the radio and answered her phone.

"Hey this is Anna" Said Annie pulling to the side of the highway.
"Annie..." Said the person on the other side of the phone.
"Who are this?" Said Annie
"You sound so more grown up." Said the mysterious person.

With that the mysterious person hung up. Annie threw the phone on the passenger seat and went back to driving. SHe turned up the radio. When her favorite song came on. It was I'm Already There by Lonestar. She turned it up and smiled and started singing with it. Annie was known for having a wonderful voice. She was a straight a student and had amazing friends. She turned on the dirt road and went to her home for a while. When Annie got home her mom was sitting there reading a book. She said hello and went up to her bedroom. She had to chose what to wear for tonight's girls night. Annie got ready. When she came out she was wearing a black and white dress with a jean jacket over it. She heard a car and looked out. She saw her boyfriend Nick standing out there at the door hugging her mom. Nick wasn't suppose to show up so Annie went to see why he was here. She ran down the stairs in her boots. Nick smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek.She kissed him and smiled. Sarah Stood there smiling. When Annie heard the phone she went to answer it.

"Hello?" Said Annie looking up at Nick who was now holding her.
"Yes this is Cole Menasagi. I am Looking for a Analice Centos? Is she there by any chance."
"You are speaking with her." Said Annie.
"Hello Annie. How have you been Sweetie? I miss you dearly. I'm also very sorry about hanging up on you earlier this afternoon."
"May I ask how you know me?" Said Annie looking at nick and smiling.
"Yes you may. You were eight. You were gonna be in my Tv show until I found out some info and canceled it. Then one night I left and also left a sentence with you? Any clues yet?"
"Keep going," Said annie sitting on Nick's lap.
"Just Believe in yourself and you'll have the power to fly. Remember yet?"
"Umm Yes I do. You are calling for me?" Said Annie with a white face.
"Yes I am. I'm in town for a while and need a place to stay. Is there any room in the house?"
"Yes there is. I just need to check with mom." Said Annie getting pen and a notepad.
"She knows already. She told me to ask you. I know it's fine with her. So can I stay Annie?"
"Um Yeah of course. But a lot people come over."
"That's fine. Can you pick me up in an hour?"
"Great that's perfect. Do you even know how old I am?" Asked Annie writing squares on the paper.
"Yes I do. You are seventeen and very beautiful."
"Thanks can I have the address?" Asked Annie getting ready to write.
"Yes you can 1001 W Airport street. Got it?"
"Yes I do," said annie looking to Nick and pointing to the Notepad.
"Ok see you soon Baby."
"Bye..... Dad..." Said Annie getting off Nick's lap.

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