chapter four

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''Knock knock!'' someone yelled before coming into the room. In came a shortish girl with long jet black hair and green eyes, and a very tall boy with dark brown hair and grey eyes. It looked as if he had been crying, his eyes were red and puffy and he had tear stains on his cheeks.

''Adrian, Rose!'' Onyx said running up to them and giving them big hugs. ''There's someone I'd like you  to meet. This is Charli, Charli this is Adrian and Rosalie, but she likes Rose.'' 

''Hiya!'' Rose said while Adrian just kinda nodded. I waved. 

''Ok, now that introductions are over lets get down to business. Lets go down into the band room, there's more room to sit.'' Onyx said leading us back through the living room with the blood red walls and down a small hallway to a set of stairs behind a door at the end. When we got to the bottom Onyx flipped on the lights to reveal the enormous band room with equipment and instruments placed neatly all about. There was a recording booth that took up the whole back wall, equipped with mics and a computer. There were a few couches set up outside of it, all on either side of a glass coffee table. We all sat on the couches with Rose and I on one and  Onyx and Adrian on the other. 

''So what the fuck happened? Onyx questioned bluntly. I heard a soft croaking noise and looked over to Adrian who had his head down and was crying. Onyx patted his back reassuringly. ''Rose?''

''Um, he caught Pix in bed with some random and she flipped on him. Told him 'fuck you and your fucking friends, Eric's gonna take care of me now. I don't need you.' and he's pretty messed up right now.'' Rose replied and Adrian got up and walked to the bathroom. Onyx nodded her head thinking of what to do next.

''Fucking bitch.'' She said after awhile. ''How could she do that to him? To all of us? I never really liked her but this is unbelievable.'' Rose nodded in agreement. His situation reminded me of Steve. I felt tears in my eyes but I didn't let them fall. Not while every ones around I told myself and I shook the memory from my head. That's horrible, Adrian looks really nice and for him, or anyone for that matter, to be cheated on is so sad, I hope he's okay. I'd love for  Pix  to get a bit of her own medicine. 

''I put an ad out on Craig's list for a bassist. I put your number on it and if anyone calls we should set up a meting. Hopefully we can get someone before the show.'' Rose said.

''Oh shit! That's right, we have a show on Saturday. Its only Thursday, there's no way we can get someone by then.'' Onyx threw her head into her hands. ''Wait! Charli, you play bass, right?'' I snapped my head up and my eyes went big. Onyx and Rose were looking at me with wide smiles and hopeful eyes.

''Y-you mean you want m-me to play with you guys? I stuttered. I have never played with anyone, let alone on stage before. ''I don't know if that's a good idea.'' 

''Of course it's a good idea! C'mon just for this show please.'' Onyx begged me. I sighed. I guess I'm going to have to do this.

''Okay...'' I said. Both girls squealed and tackled me in a hug. We all herd a sob and the girls got off of me.

''I'm gonna go check on him'' Onyx said getting up, leaving me with Rose. We both just kinda sat there for a few seconds.

''So, what do you play?'' I asked. I knew it was between the guitar and the drums, since Onyx was the singer.

''Guitar'' She chirped. ''Cant you tell by my man hands?'' She showed me her the calluses on her fingers from playing.

''I feel ya.'' I said showing her mine.  We both laughed. After that we just talked about random things. I like her, shes very quirky and shes a big goofball. After a while Onyx came back out with Adrian.

''Im sorry, I needed a moment.'' He said quietly. He looked over at me and apologized for not giving a proper hello earlier and I told him not to worry about it and flashed him a small smile, witch  he returned and resuming his seat next to Onyx.

''Congradulations by the way.'' Onyx must have told him about me playing with them. I thanked him.

''Speaking of, why don't you play something for us.'' Rose said, everyone else nodding in agreement. I sighed and went over to a bass that was hanging on the wall and brought it back to my seat. I cracked my knuckles and strummed the bass once. I'm really nervous. I know Onyx likes my fathers lullaby but will the others? I cleared my throat and begun to play the lullaby. I sung softly along, my nerves getting the better of my voice. I got into it after a bit and sung a tad louder. I finished and let the last note ring out. I had my eyes closed i realized. I slowly lifted my head and peaked at everyone. 

''Wow, that was beautiful.'' Adrian breathed. I blushed.

''You play so good and you sing magnificently as well.'' Rose gushed. I blushed even more.

''Thanks guys.'' I said. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. It's getting pretty late, I'm kinda tired.

''It's getting pretty late, I'm kinda tired.'' Rose said. Its like she read my mind.

''Yeah we should probably get going.'' Adrian said standing up and heading for the stairs, Rose following after him.

''See ya, nice meeting you Charli.'' They both said. I waved goodbye to them and they were gone.

''You wanna borrow some pj's?'' Onyx asked me when we got back to her room. I nodded and she gave me a pair of cow spot patterned sleep shorts and a black tank top. We both got changed and got into the beds. She turned off the light and told me goodnight and fell asleep immediately. I snuggled up against one of the pillows on the bed and followed her lead into a dreamless sleep.


Chapter 4 woo c;

I cannot believe how long it took me to write this. I rewrote it a bunch but now I'm happy with it. I don't have any questions this chapter. So i guess ill be updating tomorrow or Sunday c: tootles

Picture is of Rose--->

Song is Blood by In This Moment. I've had this song stuck in my head for 5ever now xD -----> 


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