chapter two

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''I'm Charli.'' I gave her a sad smile.

''Nice name. Now tell me what happened while I clean you up.'' I got up and sat on the sink to let her clean me up and I told her everything about Steve and Santana. She wiped off all my running makeup and reapplied some foundation, eyeliner and mascara to my face.

" Aw sweetie, that's horrible. Hey, since the final bell rings in like 5 minutes, wanna come to my house so we can talk about it?'' She asked. Wow, only like 10 minutes and we are already talking of meeting out of school. Can you tell I've never had any real friends?

''Sure.'' I smiled, but that smile didn't last to long due to the fact that Satan herself just walked in.

''Aw miss emo, I didn't know you had a lesbian friend. Don't worry, it wont be long for her to leave you too so you might as well do yourself the favor to just kill yourself now.'' She snickered.

''Hey, miss fake dumb blond bimbo, why don't you fuck off and go get another STD?'' Onyx shot back. Santana scoffed.

''Getting a little defencive are we? Why don't you just get out before I have to do something drastic huh?'' She smirked. God, I want to mess up her plastic face right now.

''Oh really? You mean something like this?'' Onyx yelled as the punched Santana square in the nose. It started to bleed immediately.

''You are really going to pay for that one, emo'' Santana yelled before running out. Her nose is definitely broken.

"Holy balls! No one has ever stood up to her, ever!" I exclaimed, interlocking arms with Onyx as we walked down the hallway. she gets everything that's coming for her after how she has treated me my whole life.


"Ice cream?'' Onyx asked as we pulled up to her neibor's daughter's home made ice cream stand.

"Why not?'' I replied, getting out. We got our ice cream and headed into her house. It was a really big, nice looking house, which looked even nicer on the inside. We walked into the living room to black leather couches sat against blood red walls, a big flat screen TV hung from the wall and a stone fire place. 

''Wow. you're house is so pretty.'' I breathed. We walked through the living room and up a flight of stairs and turned into a hallway with two doors. I expected it to be two different bed rooms but we walked into one, revealing one gigantic room with deep purple walls and band posters everywhere with multiple instruments lining the room, a few guitars and bass. There was a walk in closet and a bathroom attached to the room, which was the other door in the hall way. A bathroom with two door's, nice. There was a king size bed in the middle of the furthest wall, with a desk holding a laptop and a desktop computer a few feet away. Holy hell. How rich are her parents?

''My god. Your room is fucking amazing!" I almost dropped my ice cream in amazement.

"Yeah, my parents are loaded but they say I'm bad for business because I look like this, so they give me whatever I want to stay out of the way.'' She sighed. I saw a pain in her eyes.

''Its not right to just do that. Parents should show off they're kids no matter what.'' I frowned. She just nodded so I decided to change the subject.

''So do you play all these instruments?'' I asked. She explained how she was the lead singer of a band called A Touch Of Chaos, and she keeps all the instruments at her house so her band mates didn't have to worry about lugging them around for practices. They even got a shot at warped tour this summer.

''Do you play anything? Onyx asked gesturing to the instruments behind her.

''I started playing bass after my father died, I learned the lullaby he used to use to sing me to sleep. now I need to listen to music if I'm scared or upset or mad to fall asleep'' I said looking down. I miss him so much. My mother was just a dirty whore, but he was the most kind hearted man this world had ever seen and I still can't believe he left me. but I can't ever be mad at him, yet that thought always swims in the back of my mind. I looked up at Onyx to see a tear in her eye.

''Im so sorry I brought it up.'' She said, her voice barely above a whisper.

''No no its fine. You didn't know. Please don't cry.'' I said. I walked over to her and patted her back to calm her. We just sat and talked for a while about random things. I showed her my dad's lullaby he written and she asked if her band could preform it. Of course I said yes, I was happy that my dad's song would finaly get out.

''Well its getting kinda late, maybe I should be heading home.'' I said. I was sad, I hadn't had a friend to talk to and now I have one.

'Nope, no, nonsense. You are staying her tonight, okay? I smiled. She actually wanted me to stay. She wasn't just being nice to me. I nodded and smiled. 

First sleepover ever, score!


tittie sprinkels!

chapter two done c: so how do you like the story so far? does it have to much desription? meh. im just really scared people wont like this. but anyways, thanks for reading and feed back would be greatly apriciated :D

----> picture is of Onyx (leda monster bunny)


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