Shocking news and fear

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I learned some very shocking news. I am going into shock I think. M childhood is RUINED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok. You're probably asking urself what this news can be. I'll tell you. Right now.

Zac Efron......................................DIDNT FRIGGING SING ALL THE PARTS IN HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL. WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

So. Apparently. He sang a small part of the movie but most of the singing was by Drew Seeley.

Drew was the one who sang most of t. Yet, (I can't believe I said yet *giggle giggle*) NOBODY gives him any credit. AAAANNNNDDDD he's a good singer, actor and very good looking too. But most people don't know that he's responsible for most of TROY's beautiful singing. #fake is for everyone in this movie.

Idek what else to believe. Am I still supposed to believe that Santa is real or is that a lie too?? What if my parents aren't even my parents?? HUH???? What if E.T is my real father huh?????


Anyways. I have another news. Dori from Nemo is.............*drum solo*................................Ellen DeGeneres!!!!!!!!!! Wow. Is there anything that woman can't do??

Shes so amazing. I love you Ellen.


I watched the One Direction This is Us movie for the 1238972369842348632892982982198214789 time yesterday. I miss Zayn sooo much now. Why did he have to leave?????????????????


Selena Gomez is my idol. I really like her. And I really love Justin Bieber. But I don't really want them to get back together. SO stop trying JB. Hehe. I called him JB.


I'm kind of emotional right now. I need to eat Nutella again. I love Nutella. Its soooooooooooo sexy. Goddamn. I just want to like it up and eat that brown chocolate goodness. Mhhhhhh. I just turned my self on.

lol I'm jk. :)


Matt Bomer needs to not be gay. Just......stop.

I started watching his show. White Collar. And its actually really good. I'm on like season 3 and stuff and it still hasn't gotten boring yet. I just.....I just love it.

And then I saw some comment on wattpad about a "matt Bomer" not needing to be gay and so handsome and sexy and stuff. SO I search him up. And he's the same guy who is the main character on white collar!!!!!!!! The guy I had been thirsting over for so long!!!

And so I died.



Jamal on Empire is supposed to be gay. And then Alicia Keys goes into the show and then he kisses her like what?

And then he's dad is all like "she fixed you" when he heard about it. And Jamal is all like "I'm still gay so don't be all weird alright" and whatever. I have no figging clue what happened.

Anyways. Catch the moment for yourself as Jamal and "Sky" (Alicia Keys). Up there. Up where? Haha. Anyways. I'm uploading a video of them singing with this...chapter?

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