Stuff. Idk.

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the Ms Universe thing was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad. Like, wtf is up with that guy. He gave her the crown and then while she being happy and idk thanking God, he says that he has made a mistake. Dude. If I was Ms. Columbia  I would be like "bitch learn how to do ur job before u get my hopes up and crush them. Who you think u is?" That last part had bad grammar cause I don't really think she speaks perfect English. And it sounds badass. Like a black person is saying it.


"Cum for me" - Me to the guy. Chase. I'm pretty sure I've already said that I said this but like I'm just realizing how not normal I am. Who says stuff like that to other people at age 14? Gosh. I need to like stop.

some of the stuff that I say to him, even I think is weird. Like, why Elisa? Why? Why did you need to tell him that for?

ok. well. At least I haven't talked to him in a kind of long time. On kik anyways, which is the only time dirty.

There is another popular really pretty girl after him again. Not the same one. The old one moved away. And now this new girl who transferred to this school and still got like amazingly popular, basically replacing the old girl, wants him too.

I'm like "stop?!". in my head at least. On the outside I'm just like "really? Did he ask you out yet tho?" And every time she says no I get happy but also feel bad. But also don't care. At all really.

Its not even like I like him tbh. Its just cause I feel protective of our relationship. Its nice to know that any time I want I can just open kik and just make someone get a boner and jerk off. Ok??? I like that sort of power. lol.

And if he gets a girlfriend then that can't happen anymore. So I don't want that.


There's this other guy, Christan. A lot of people think I like him, and I do but only as a friend. He's pretty funny and can crack many many dirty jokes. A lot of times about me but like I don't really think he likes me that way. And I don't like him that way.

Lol. We were working on a project after school yesterday and he basically did everything while I just found excuses not to help. And talked. A lot. About a lot.  Today I was telling our third group member about it and was like "yeah we did a lot. We drew squares and wrote the title..." and I was really into explaining. And Chris looks at me like I did something wrong. And I was like "what" confusingly. And he was like "we?" and I was laughing cause of the way he said it. And how true it was.

Christan thinks I like Chase. Cause I think Chase thinks I like him. And he probably shared that. Or it could be "the way [I] look at him and laugh at his jokes" like someone else said. For the record, I laugh too hard at many peoples jokes. I'm just that kind of person. So it doesn't mean anything. Ok?!??!!?!? ok. Maybe ok will be our always.


This guy. Is dating my friend.

I kind of thought of him as my friend too.

And the thing is. Some people think that I like him and I'm just not the kind of person to like someone who is already going out with someone else. I just cant do that.

Don't get me wrong. Hes rrrreeeaalllyy cute. And Brazilian, which doesn't help. But like, I don't like him and I don't think I will ever like him like that just cause his girlfriend is my friend.

There was this one day. He came while I was sitting on the floor talking to a person and just like stroked my foot while I was just sitting there and it was just so weird. But funny. Which is why I laughed.

And another time, he was sitting in front of me. And he faced sideways. Cause that's how he always sits. And my foot is on his desk cause that's how I sit. And then he just started to touch my foot and I was so surprised and so I didn't move and then he started to trail upwards. And I was just like if I ignore him, he'll go away. But he just kept going up and up and just when he almost got to my thighs I just took my foot off his chair so fast and went close and was like "what the [heck] are you doing?"  And he didn't answer. I felt bad cause I didn't mean to let him touch my leg like that. It just happened so fast that I wasn't thinking about what was happening at all.

And another time, we were taking the bus. And I kind of was ignoring him cause he was talking to a boy and I was talking to these girls and a boy. Anyways. We get on the bus. I find a seat with my friend. And then put my bag on the seat next to me cause I kind of wanted to talk to her just like alone. But then he comes. Completely ignoring the boy he was talking to who was sitting with a lot of empty seats around him.  He comes toward me. And takes my bag, puts it on my lap, and sits next to me. I was like "what the heck". And the girl in front of me asks if we were dating and I was just like "noooooooo. He has a girlfriend" and she be all like "but you guys look so cute together. And he wants to sit next to you" with like a winky face. And I was just  like "stop. No. Its not going to happen."

lol. so. I got him for Secret Santa and I got him what he wanted in the list that I got with his name. And then later he gives me a random playing card that has like characters and animal thingys on it. He said he just picked a random one from the store and jbought it. And he didn't even give me the whole deck. Just one card with a really weird picture on it. He is soooooo weird.


everyone has those skateboard hoverboard thing now (including Justin Bieber and Sophia Grace and Rosie) and I don't and I want one. Badly. But they're really expensive and I have no money.




Bye boobies. Wiggle wiggle wiggle. ;)

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