Chapter 3: New Year's Special

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(I am NOT promoting teen drinking, ok have fun reading :)


Why am I even at this party? I mean really? I don't like these types of things, but of course my friend Jo thought I needed to go out and socialize. I, at first, refused to go to this New Year's party because I thought it'd be a drunk fest, but Jo said there would be a bunch of hot guys there and that she wouldn't leave me alone. Guess where she is? Twerking in the middle of the dance floor. Guess what I'm not? Surrounded by hot guys.  This girl better keep her end of the deal or else I'm locking myself in a room with nothing but food and tumblr. 

Jo comes walking towards me with two guys trailing behind her. She had her arm linked with a tall guy with fabulous hair and a guy who looked to liked he was NOT enjoying himself. He was pretty cute though. "HEY!!!" Jo screamed even though she was standing right next to me. "Are you trying to make me deaf!?" I screamed back at her. "Sorry", she said with a drunken glaze,"This is Sam", she said pointing to the guy she was linked to, "And this is Dean, his brother. Dean, Sam, This is Castiel." I looked over to Dean and I locked eyes with him. Up close, I could see he had beautiful candy apple green eyes and cute freckles spread out though his face. His eyes went up and down, studying my body. He just checked me out! Omfg, an extremely hot guy just checked me out! 

After a couple minutes of intense eye raping, Jo tells me the she and Sam are going back to the dance floor and that we should get to know each other, but she doesn't leave without winking at me. Really gurl? Really? As she walks off, Dean walks towards me and with each click of his cowboy boots, my heart rate doubles. Once he is standing in front of me, he moves a piece of my dark hair that was out of place, and puts his hands in his pockets. "So", he says with a smirk on his face, "this party is kinda lame." I chuckle a little "You're telling me." He licks his lips and grabs my hand, dragging his thumb across the top of my hand. "Do you", he pauses never looking up at me, only looking at my hand. He finally looks up smiling, "Do you want to go upstairs and watch the ball drop with me?" I looked at him and put a finger on Hollister  tee."Me?" I say with a hint of surprise. He throws his head back laughing. "Of course you!" I chuckle, blushing a little. "Well then I'd love to." 

Dean smiles the biggest smile and says wait here. He rushes into the kitchen and returns with a bottle of mascato. He grabs my hand and runs up the stairs, with me barley keeping up. When we finally find a room that wasn't full of drunk teenagers, we flop down onto a bed and turn on  the flat screen t.v. I don't know whose house this is, but they seem to have a lot of money. There was about an hour and a half till the ball dropped so we decided to play 21 questions, but with a twist. He said every time  we ask a question, we have to take a swig of mascato. He starts off by taking a drink of the alcohol and asks what my favorite album is. I think it over and I say "RuPaul's Born Naked". He looks at me with a perplexed face. "Hmm, never heard of that." I laugh and tell him it's probably not for him. He shrugs and hands me the bottle. I throw head back and take it like a shot. In the middle of swallowing, I nearly choke and I cough half of it on to the bed comforter. Dean nearly falls off the bed laughing, face red as a cherry and it takes him a couple minutes to recover. "Did... Di- Ah hahaha!" he continues laughing as I fix myself, making sure I got none of it on myself. "Ok Chuckles the Clown,  let's move on." He nods, a chuckle slipping out every once in a while. "So, why did you invite me up here? I mean you barley know me." He looks me in the eyes with a half smile. "Because you looked interesting... and you're pretty cute." He whispered the last part. I blushed a deep red and gave him the bottle. He took a swig and asked why I agreed to come up here with him. "Umm..," I had to think of why other than cause he was super hot. "Well, because you seemed like a kind guy and not to sound shallow or anything but you are pretty hot." He chuckled, "That's usually why." I gave him a confused look. I made a gesture for the bottle and took a sip. "What do you mean 'That's usually why'?" He sighed. "I try to get to know people and the only reason they agree to talk is because they think I'm hot." "Well it would help if you didn't come in like a player and be so damn sexy." He laughed at that. He definitely likes to laugh and I love that.

He smiles and grabs the bottle, taking a drink. "So, what do you like to do?" I think about what to say without sounding like a freak. "Well, I like to surf the web, watch Netflix, and umm... Not much else." A nervous chuckle escapes my lips. "Sounds like you're living like Larry." I look down at the bed comforter, and start feeling the material, just to have an excuse to not look up. He taps my shoulder, causing a jump in response. "Someone's a bit jumpy." He says with a slight smile. He hands me the bottle and I take another sip. This time I hiccup and my vision blurs a little. " Looks like your a little on the drunk side. You don't have to drink anymore." "Thanks," I said with relief. "Now, what's my question." We went on and on asking question after question, laughing, a little bit of crying, and just having a good time. 

And then came the question. "Alright, alright what's my question?" Dean asked after I went on a rant about how Lady Gaga needed to be recognized more.  I had this question burning in the back of my head since I saw him.  "I'm a little scared to ask." I felt like he would be totally offended by my question. "Don't worry," he said with  a comforting smile, " I don't mind. Ask me anything." "Well..." I tried to collect my thoughts and make this as easy as possible. "What do you identify as?" He chuckled a drunken chuckle. "I identify as Dean Winchester. The man with many homes." I giggled, "No I mean your sexuality." His face dropped and he just looked at me with a blank stare. Oh no. Did I go too far? Did I offended him? Why did I have to be curious and ask? He sat up and scooted closer to me. He got close enough to where I could feel his breath, I could smell the moscato on his breath. He whispered in my ear, "I think you know the answer to that question." He moved his calloused hand to my thigh and pressed his soft lips against my neck. A shiver of pleasure went through me. I felt his lips form a smile against my skin and he whispered "The balls gonna drop soon, we can pick up later." I nod and he sits up, rapping his arm around my shoulder. This is perfect.

"10, 9, 8, 7," We all shouted with the people on T.V. and with each number, the excitement built. "6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" Before I could say Happy New Year Dean grabs me and pulls me into a long deep kiss. Sparks flew everywhere and it was like set off a fire cracker. We kissed for at least a minute and when we finally stopped, all I could get out was " Wow." Definitely glad I came out of my room today.


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