Chapter 1: Morning Beautiful

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The sun's gleaming light met my closed eyes, waking me up from a deep slumber. I sat there for a moment, basking in the light's warmth. I finally decided to get up, but I couldn't. I was pinned down by something... Or someone. I looked down at my chest and Dean's buff arm is around me, his carmel colored skin clashing with my pale white skin. Suddenly, images of what happened last night reappear in my mind, my face went a dark crimson color. I couldn't have done that... Could I? I peer under the baby blue sheets and sure enough, I have no clothes on. At least my first time was with someone who cared about me, and not some nasty bozo who couldn't care less about me.

I slowly peel Dean's warm arm off my chest, trying to be careful so that I wouldn't wake him. I feel him move behind me and I freeze. Luckily he has not woken, but his grip on my small frame has only tightened. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought.

Somehow, I escape his warmth, but when I did, I felt cold and empty. I shrugged it off and I went over to the old dresser, plucked out a pair of underwear and shorts, because I needed a shower. After gathering all of my clothes, I made my way down the hall, the sound of my feet smacking against the cold, wood floor echoed throughout the hall. As I was walking, my rear end began to hurt and I started to walk with little bit of a limp. I grabbed the silver door knob and opened the white door. After closing the door as quietly as possible, I got my shower running. I opened the medicine cabinet and took out a bottle of pain relievers, but not before I saw my reflection. My big blue eyes went even bigger once I saw myself. I looked like I was hit by a tornado!

My hair was spiked in all directions, I had bruises all over my neck, and I had bags under my eyes. Well, the bags under my eyes were to be expected. When sleeping with Dean, you don't get much sleep at all apparently. I swallowed the small, circular pill and I walked over to the shower, gracefully lifting my leg over the edge of the tub and closed the polka dot printed shower curtain.

The warm droplets of water sprinkled all over my skin, filling me with warmth. Steam fogged the air, giving the room a mysterious feel to it. As I ran my fingers through my hair, I began to hum an old, forgotten song I knew when I was younger. I put some soap on a shower sponge, and began cleansing the dirty feeling off of me from last nights activities. After I rinsed the soap off myself, I closed my eyes and let the water cascade off my body. I was now just relishing in the warmth the water brought.

As I hummed the tune, I felt fingers glide around my waist and I my back was pressed against a hard surface. I squeaked, but relaxed as I remembered that Dean was the only one home. I felt a deep rumble against my back as he chuckled and said in a deep, sexy voice:

"Morning beautiful."

I smiled and replied shyly "Good morning."

I tried to move away so that I could get out, but he pulled me back and whispered "We aren't done here yet." He nibbled at my ear and I let out a small, yet girly moan. I blushed and covered my mouth with my hands so it would stop my moans from being heard. I felt his hands softly grab on to mine, pull them down to my side, and as he did so, he breathed into my ear, "No, no, babe. I want to hear you." My blush went even darker as his hands began to roam all over my body. His lips moved down to my bruised neck and began to work wonders as he found my soft spot. "D-don't you think t-twice is a bit much Dean?" I accidentally moaned his name, which earned another chuckle from behind. "No baby," he said as he continued softly bite at my neck, "I think we should do this everyday." I thought for a moment, "Well, if you say so," I murmured. I felt him smile against my neck. "Let the fun begin," he breathed huskily.


lol so what did you guys think? I tried to make sure there were no grammar mistakes so if there are I apologize. The comic up there was something I found on Pinterest and I thought it was cute. Make sure you vote and comment.


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