Camp Half-Blood

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We walked into camp past a pine tree, with a golden sheepskin dangling on one of the lower branches, and a dragon wrapped around the tree trunk. Somehow this didn't totally freak me out. In camp I couldn't stop turning my head. Everywhere I looked was something unbelievable, and yet, it was like I knew it would be there.

Percy and Annabeth led me to a large house where a man in a wheelchair and a middle-aged guy wearing a loud Hawaiian shirt were playing cards. "Chiron, this is Maia. We found her on the beach and she says she can't remember anything." said Percy. "She went through the barrier, so she must be a half-blood." added Annabeth. 

"Half-blood, as in half god, half human, right?" I blurted out. The man in the wheelchair raised an eyebrow. "That's right." "Not another one!" grumbled the Hawaiian shirt guy. He had a pudgy face framed with curly black hair and watery eyes. "Maia, this is Mr. D, our camp director. He's been here a while, so please excuse his manner." "Mr. D...You're Dionysus, the God of wine." I said. "Yes." He sighed. "At least you didn't call me 'the Wine Dude'."

I turned to face the man in the wheelchair. "And you must be Chiron." "Yes, child, I am Chiron." Chiron looked like a teacher, with his tweed jacket, thinning brown hair, and scraggly beard. "You say you have lost your memory, and yet you seem to know a lot about us." 

"I don't know." I said wearily. "It just . . . pops into my head." "Chiron," interrupted Annabeth ," Maia's situation sounds a lot like Jason's when he came to camp. Do you think maybe Hera-" "This does not seem like an act of the gods." said Chiron. He turned to me. "Maia, since you already seem familiar with this information, I don't think the orientation video will be necessary."

He paused. "Do you know the Greek gods?" "Yeah, like Demeter, Athena, and Poseidon?" I replied. "Yes, though saying their names draws their attention, so please try to refrain from doing so. Now, this may come as a shock, but the gods of Ancient Greece-" "They're real, aren't they?" I interrupted. 

"Quite so, I'm afraid. Though how quickly you accepted that really is quite astounding. Annabeth, take her to Cabin fifteen and see if you can help her recover her memory. Percy, ask the sea creatures if they know anything. You found her on the beach, perhaps she washed ashore."

"Cabin fifteen is for Hypnos, the god of sleep, right?" I asked. "Right." confirmed Annabeth. She didn't stare at me. I guess she must be getting used to me knowing things. 

 We entered the cabin and I almost was overwhelmed by drowsiness. There were pillows everywhere and soft music playing from somewhere. A fire was burning in the fireplace, and over the mantel, a tree branch dripped milky liquid. It was so cozy and peaceful and relaxing... "Maia! Wake up!" Annabeth snapped her fingers by my face. I was instantly alert. "Sorry." "Don't be." said Annabeth. "The same thing happened to my friend Jason. He had amnesia, too." "He got his memory back, thought." "Yes. Hopefully, you will, too."

We walked towards one of the beds, where a blonde boy was napping. "Clovis!" Annabeth snapped her fingers by his face. "Wake up!"  The boy's eyelids fluttered. "Come back when I'm awake." he mumbled. "Clovis, I need your help." Clovis sighed and sat up. "Fine. What is it?" Annabeth opened her mouth to explain, but I interrupted. "My name is Maia and I've lost my memory. Annabeth and Percy found me on the beach, and I somehow know who all of you are."
"Wow." Clovis no longer looked tired. "You really don't remember anything?" I shook my head. "Hmmm. Close your eyes." He said. I did, and felt my mind sink into a dream.

When I opened my eyes, Clovis was looking confused. "It's so strange." He said. "What's strange?" I asked. "Your memories...They're there, but it's like they're hidden, buried in your subconscious. I'm sorry, but I don't know how to restore your memory." My shoulders slumped. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay," Annabeth said reassuringly. "We will find out who you are." "Thanks."

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