It's the page where you can discuss stuff about the roleplay, and ask for connections and the like, so you guys don't clog up the roleplay area, commonly asked questions, so we don't have to retype the answers of questions that has been asked before, what's new in the roleplay right now, and weather, 'cause I think that'll be useful info. You can also put suggestions here too.
Daily Question:
No°1: Should we make the roleplay mature? (Language, mild gore, mature subjects, things like that)
No°2: Should I add a tagging page?
Upcoming events: Currently none
Current events: Currently none
Past events: Currently none
CAQ's: Currently none
Role-Play Updates: Currently none
Weather: --
Isles of the Blessed (Literate RP)
RandomOne reef. Eight thousand people. An accident that transformed some of the citizens into superhuman beings. And a looming conflict between all those who have something to strive and fight for. No matter where you side, you must stand for your ground...