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When I came home I immediately went to my room, threw my bag away and let myself fall on my bed. I took a pillow, pushed it into my face and screamed hoping nobody would hear it. I lay there for a couple of seconds breathing heavy while my thoughts went over the day. Deciding I needed to go for a run I jumped up and ran downstairs.

While walking into the forest around the house I undressed and folded them neatly under a big oak I would recognize instantly. My Lioness ran like never before trying to forget what had happened at school. Somehow I already love him. He's my mate but I realize now that I am  scared.

Scared of him. Scared of what he represents. He's the kind of creature that I've not only learned to hate but also to fear. The first thing you should do when you see a Werewolf is run and climb in a tree. Normal felids, the kind that lives on Earth, don't have a lot of stamina but we can run very fast if we want to. Faster than a Wolf. If you have a lot of stamina in human form you will have a lot of stamina as a Werecat. A couple of small felids will have no chance at all against one werewolf. But a Wolf against a Lion or a Tiger would be killed immediately but unfortunately they always attack in large groups. Werewolves attack in such big numbers that we are outnumbered and by the time back-up has arrived they are gone and Werecats are killed. So that's what makes me scared. I have learned to fear them and run from them. They don't dare change into their human form to climb the tree when they attack because then they are at their weakest moment.

When I get home after a three-hour long run I take a long shower and decide to go downstairs to make myself a quick dinner.

"Where were you?" I hear a voice say when I walk into the kitchen. Sorin stands there with his arms crossed. I avoid looking into his eyes and put a frozen pizza into the oven. "I went for a run." I try to be nonchalant but I know I'm not. "For three hours? We were worried about you, Keira. Especially after we couldn't reach you through the mind link. What happened?" He asks in a gentle voice.

I'm trying to be strong but then I'm reminded again of what happened in school and tears start forming in my eyes. "What's wrong?" He asks in a soft, careful voice. He lifts my chin making me look into his eyes. "I-I-I can't tell you." I stutter. "Why?" he simply asks. "B-b-ecause you wouldn't understand. Nobody would." I whisper. "Well I'm sure when time passes you will be able to tell." He says while slowly engulfing me in a hug. That was the moment everything I had felt about the whole day came crashing down on me. I tightened the hug and cried into Sorin's shoulder.

I cried because I was scared of my own mate and could tell nobody about it. I cried because everyone I knew would hate my mate with a hate so strong they would kill him on sight if they knew I was his mate. I cried because I could never be able to say out loud that he was my mate and be proud of it. After some time Sorin pulled out of the hug and looked into my eyes. I stared back into his dark brown eyes.

"Why don't I teach you some of the fire magic to keep your mind off of things? Would you like that?" I nodded and swallowed the lump in my throat. "I'd like that." I followed him outside for the obvious reason we couldn't practice fire magic inside without putting the house on fire. "Okay, so the most easiest thing you can do with fire magic is turning the air around you warm or actually hot. You can do that right?" I nodded and actually turned the air around us hot by way of proof.

"What else do you know?" he asked. I shrugged. "I can create fireballs in the palm of my hand and that's about it. My mother wasn't very good herself in fire magic and I'm much better in earth, water and air magic. Sorin looked at me with a calculating gaze. After a couple seconds he said: "Do you want to be an amazing fighter? We could get you in top shape." He said. I smiled gratefully at him. "I'd like that."

And with that we began training. Two weeks long I learned more than I ever learned from my mother. I learned to control my magic better than I ever had. Alex and Faith were amazing teachers. Alex taught me more moves than I could ever imagine and Hunter was my sparring partner. He also trained with Alex and I could easily see Hunter become Alex Number Two. He actually used his claws properly.

At the moment Amaya was teaching me some advanced water magic. I was supposed to make a hollow, squared cage of water and freeze it while still holding it up in the air. The ice was supposed to be so strong and hard that even a Salamander like Sorin would have trouble to melt it.

"Okay, so shaping it isn't difficult but you really have to concentrate to make it as hard and strong as it needs to be. Come on, try it." Amaya said standing beside me. Hunter sat a couple meters away looking for hikers that could come by. We were standing in front of the lake not far from the house while the others were having a picknick further away so I could concentrate myself. I lifted my hand and some water easily flew up in the air. Quickly I shaped it into a big, hollow cage. While holding both of my hands up I closed my eyes and concentrated on freezing the ice.

I heard Amaya gasp for air and opened my eyes. The water before me was not frozen but both of my hands had turned into water. They were still shaped into the form of my hands and quickly I stopped using my magic. My hands immediately turned to normal and the water flying in front of me dropped down making a huge wave hit Hunter while Amaya waved it away for the both of us.

"What the-" Hunter coughed up. "You can change yourself into water!" Amaya screamed. "I've got new things to teach you! But it's really difficult so you've got to concentrate hard on it! My god! This is amazing! I didn't even knew that was possible for a Fey!" Amaya rambled on and she kept screaming into my ear and I gave a look at Hunter. He quickly stood near her and hugged her from behind. "Calm down, honey. She didn't even knew it herself." He chuckled.

Amaya gasped for air and blushed furiously. "I was rambling again, wasn't I?" She asked. We both chuckled and then the others were surrounding us. "What happened? Is everything all right? Are you hurt?" Sorin asked. The last couple of weeks he had grown very protective of me. Like a big brother. I guess the last thing a guy wants to see is a crying girl.

"I'm fine. I-" I started but then Amaya interrupted me. "She just changed her hands into water. Which means she can change the rest of her body too. Maybe you should try to teach her to turn her body into fire and air and earth. That would be awesome. I thought Fey couldn't do that? Why did nobody ever tell me?" She rambled again. Faith chuckled just like everyone else. Amaya was really cute when she started doing that. She blushed even harder than before while Faith started explaining.

"Fey can't change themselves into an element but I guess because Keira has also Werecat DNA it means she's a stronger person and is actually able to do it. That's very impressive, Keira. You should be proud of yourself." She looked at me with a warm smile and I returned it. "Why don't you take a break?" Celio asked. I nodded and we all went to sit on a huge checkered blanket.

We stayed there for a couple of hours laughing, eating and drinking. We teased Hunter with his wet clothes and how Amaya would act as his mother saying he needed to be kept warm. We laughed at that but when Amaya hugged Hunter tightly my laughing ceased and Hunter looked like he didn't have a care in the world that we were laughing at him. God how much I would pay for a hug with Liam. It wouldn't be affordable. But I still feel scared as hell when I'm in the same room as him. "I am such a mess." I think to myself.


I'm sorry it's so short but I've been really busy with school and had some personal problems also. I'll try to upload as fast as I can again. But I hope you enjoy!

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