6 Days Till King Crown

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As plans fell into place, everyone became more excited and more relaxed. The tension that had surrounded the table the day before seemed to disappear.

'Thank god, maybe they finally gave up on this stupid competition,'  Kellin thought as he ate his lunch. Little did he know that he was so far from the truth.

Vic had to be the most excited of all. He had his song perfected, his speech ready, and the perfect time during the party. He set everything up with Kellin's mother the day before. Instead of hiring a band to play, Vic was going to play his song for Kellin, then he would pull him in stage and ask him to be his boyfriend. It was perfect. He looked around the lunch table, taking in the familiar scene. Jaime with his cocky smirk and dirty jokes, Mike and Tony making eyes at each other, and Kellin telling him a story that he has heard at least twenty times. This was his family, these were the people he loved the most. 

"Vic, are you listening to me?" Kellin asked.

"Yes, of course," Vic replied. He had been listening, just not that well. Kellin gave him a skeptical look but continued on with his story. 

"Kells?" Vic interrupted whatever Kellin was saying.


"What do you want for your birthday?" Vic's question made Kellin pause. No one really ever asks him what he wants usually,  they just assume they know him enough to get him something he will love. He never really thinks of what he may actually want.

"I.. don't know,"  Kellin replied. "I'm never asked by anyone what I want."

"There has be something,"

'You,' Kellin thought.  His best friend is all he really wants, all he's really wanted for over three years. He had fallen in love with Vic in Ninth grade. That year He and Vic went to homecoming together, they danced to Mayday Parade and had an amazing time. That night Vic kissed through his bedroom window as he climbed down Kellin Willo tree. It was and still is the best night of his life. He just wants that night to be an everyday thing. But he couldn't ever tell Vic that.

"I don't know, maybe just an album. Mayday Parade has  their new one." Yes, he was slightly obsessed with the band. Vic just smiled knowingly.

"I expect that from you, Kells." Vic smiled. Ever since homecoming Vic has noticed  his friends obsession with the band. "When I get home-"

"You're so dead?" Kellin laughed at his own joke.

"No, when I get home I'll look for the album for you." Vic smiled at the raven-haired boy.

"This is why I love you."Kellin smiled widely at his best friend. Lunch continued on in a similar fashion, everyone just laughed and had as much fun as they could in a crowded cafeteria. When the bell rang everyone made their way to their last class of the day. Vic and Kellin walked down the hall, laughing and joking together, when Justin slammed his shoulder into Kellin's, sending all of Kellin's books tumbling to the ground.

"What's your problem," Vic snapped.

"Fairies that think that they can use the same hallway as real men." Justin spat at the two friends. Justin had been one of the few people who had not accepted Kellin and Vic when they came out, he made it his mission to terrorize them whenever he could. He was raised in a household where being gay was a sin that deserved the death penalty.

"Oh come off it, Justin. We're gay, get over it." Vic seethed. He was so tired of Justin acting as if he is the King of the world. Vic really wanted to punch him in the face. "What we do is none of your business."

"All of you faggots made it my business. Protesting for marriage rights like you're equal to straight couples. You all deserve to burn in hell. God will take care of you, I'm just helping until he comes."

Vic rolled his eyes, he heard this speech every time he argued with Justin.

  "As fun as this sermon is, I have to get to class. You can continue to tell me how much of an abomination I am after school." Vic quickly grabbed Kellin's hand and pulled him to class.

"You faggots, trying to be equal!" Kellin mocked Justin's voice, breaking the tense silence that had fallen onto the pair. Vic laughed.

"God will handle you!" Vic played along.  When this had first started Justin really got under Vic's skin, he was worried that Justin was right. During that time, Vic started cutting. Kellin noticed a month after it started and tried to help Vic, and it worked for a while, but he started again. One night, after a particularly rough school day, Vic just wanted relief. Since he wasn't thinking straight he cut too deep. If Kellin had not gotten home from his trip that day Vic would be dead. That night at the hospital Kellin and Vic promised never to let what other had to say get to them. They haven't since, they're able to laugh off the insults because they know what they feel is as normal as any heterosexual feelings.

The rest of the day went without a hitch. The guys all hung out at Vic's house since the Fuentes had the best game room.  The group was just as rowdy as ever, laughing and joking about everything.

"Mikey, stop eating Tony and come play the next round. Vic is lame." Jaime complained as he beat the short Mexican for the third time.

"Hey! That's so mean Hime! I'm trying!" Vic protested. His protests were half-hearted, though, he knew he was terrible and he would much rather be on the couch with kellin just watching. Jaime just rolled his eyes.

"Have Kellin play, I'm occupied here."  Mike pulled away from his boyfriend long enough to reply to Jaime but was right back to smooch his turtle.

"But Kellin is just as bad as Vic!" Jaime whined, but he knew his words were lost on the couple.  They ended up all playing Just Dance, a game that everyone could be terrible at and it was still fun. Mike even pulled away from Tony long enough to play a song.

After everyone left that night Kellin sat in Vic's room just in wonder. Most people lost all of their friends in Ninth grade, not this group. He thinks this a lot, but he can never quite wrap his mind around the fact that he managed to keep all of his friend and even a few acquaintances that he has had since seventh grade. He felt accomplished, he did something right. 

"Kellin, you're thinking, that's a dangerous pastime." Vic joked.

"I know, but I can't help it." Kellin smiled. "We've made it, and with little scars."

"What are you talking about Kells?" 

"We've made it through high school and you're still my best friend. We've kept our group together and I feel that we have something to be proud of."  Vic smiled at the raven haired boy, he loved him so much. It took everything for Vic not to just come out and say the words to his best friend, everything this boy did just captured Vic and it was almost too much.

"Let's get to sleep before you decide to major in philosophy next year." Vic and Kellin got into bed and shut off the light. Neither we tired, but having the other so close was enough to lull them both to sleep.

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