Tommorrow For Sure

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"Tomorrow is your birthday! How are you feeling?! Are you excited? Nervous? Are you going to explode with fear?!" Vic gushed to his groggy best friend.

"I want to sleep, I don't care what tomorrow is. It is six in the morning Vic." Kellin complained.

"Twenty-four hours from now it'll be six am on your birthday!" Vic cheered.

"Wake me up then." Kellin mumbled back as he turned over to go back to sleep.

"No! I have a reason for waking you, but you won't know until your awake." Vic whiled, shaking the Raven haired boy.

"If it doesn't involve food, dîck, or money then I don't care at six am." Kellin mumbled, making Vic chuckle. He knew his best friend was a very irritable person when doing anything before 10am.

Vic sat next to Kellin and just watched him rest. It was so odd to think that tomorrow they would be calling each other boyfriends. He couldn't wait, and Kellin had no ideas how amazing his birthday was going to be. Vic was making sure that this one was better than all the rest.

"It involves food, I'll have to spend money, and you can suck my dîck as payment." Vic laughed as Kellins eyes popped open.

"I'm kidding." He laughed 'Unless you really want to suck my dîck.' He added mentally.

"We're going to the pancake house to celebrate your birthday early. Everyone else will want to be with you tomorrow, so I wanted to go out today. Just us two."  Vic's bright smile had Kellin melting. His best friend was so thoughtful.

"Fine. I'll get up. But I won't enjoy it." Kellin grumbled

"Yes you will." Vic argued back.

They got up and dressed, stealing glances at each other all the while.


"First stop, The pancake house. Jenna threatened my life if I didn't bring you." Vic chuckled lightly. He actually really like Jenna, she was a sweet girl that supported Vic in his pursuit of Kellin.

"I haven't seen Jenna in weeks! I miss her." Kellin sighed in content. He wasn't worried about what was going to happen that day, all he wanted was to be with Vic.

They entered the cozy little dinner. They had been going to this pancake house since they were in middle school. It used to be the four of them, but only Kellin and Vic continued the tradition through high school. Sometimes they would have their friends with them, other times it was the two of them. They say their normal booth and gave each other slightly awkward smiles.

Kellin wasn't sure if the strange was because of his constant romantic thoughts about Vic's actions,or if it was something.....more. He knew that Vic didn't think of this as a date, but he did.

"What are you thinking?" Vic asked.

Kellin paused. He could tell Vic the truth, but something told him to wait. Like, he knew that the time for that was soon.

"Um, I was just wondering were Jenna is. She's usually the first person at our table." Just as he finished that sentence the Aussie herself came out. Jenna smile at them both.

"Hey Kellic, long time no see. What happened to you guys being here all that time?" Jenna pouted.

"Sorry, babe. We're seniors this year, and you know that's a lot of work. Plus both of use want to go to universities next year, so we have to prepare for that." Vic explained. He subconsciously started playing with Kellin's fingers on top of the table.

"Mmhmm, I think you two are secretly dating, but you don't want to satisfy my fan girl heart and tell me about it." Jenna teased.

'I wish,' Kellin thought with a sigh.

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