5 Days Till King Crown

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Time seemed to drag. This had to be the slowest week of Kellin's and it was only Tuesday. His Birthday week always seemed to drag to him. As much as he made it seem as if he hated his birthday he actually really loved the presents and attention. It was away fun to see who actually knew him best each year. Though he never told anyone, he secretly picked a winner every year. He planned to tell everyone who had won each year at his party. He Felt he could indulge in this for his last birthday competition, but only this one, since it is the last one.

Kellin sat on his bed, writing in his journal/song book. He randomly switched between the two, but he always got his feelings into his journal. As you could guess, it was mainly about Vic. He had never let anyone see it and he never planned to, but writing always helped him understand himself better.

"Hey kells?" Vic asked. They had been hanging out for a few hours now, and Kellin had spent the whole time writing. Not that the small man minded much, but he wanted to hear his friends sweet voice.

"Yeah?" Kellin answered, barely paying attention. He was in the middle of an amazing song and he didn't want to loose his train of thought.

"I have a present for you, and you have to accept it." Vic didn't want his present for the party to overshadow the other gifts he got, so he planned to give them to Kellin in advance. It was also a way to make Kellin feel special.

"Find, give it to me." Kellin pretending to be reluctant but he was actually excited to see what Vic had gotten him.

"The answer is on this card." Vic handed him a card with a small riddle on it. Kellin loves riddles.

'In a house in the sky is were your first present lies.
You'll find it fast if your clever enough to read between the lines.'

Kellin thought for a second, Vic hates heights, he knew the highest place he was willing to go was...

He jumped up and rushed from the room, eager to know what his present was. The old tree house that their parents had helped them build is the only high place Vic is willing to venture at all. House in the sky.

The treehouse had been transformed into a fanboy's dream. Several posters where tapes up and spread out. T-shirts where on every table, bracelets to match and beanies to complete the look. And lastly, all seven Mayday Parade albums and a CD player sat in the middle of the room. Kellin was in heaven.

He walked slowly up to the table the had the CD player on it, and it has a tiny note card that said 'push play.' When he did, Miserable At Best began to play. The song they danced to. The biggest poster in the room was also a Miserable At Best poster.

'You're all that I hoped I'd find
In every single way,' Vic sang as he came up behind Kellin in the treehouse.

"Happy early birthday, Kellin, this is one of many gifts I plan to give you." Kellin started to tear up as he hugged Vic. He couldn't believe how amazing his best friend was. Both were both holding back I love you. They hugged until the song went off, not ready to let go. And never willing to give up what they have.

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