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Waking up to the sound of an alarm clock ringing and an annoying call from Matilda couldn't make my day any worse. I plop a pillow on my head to ignore the noise pollution and tried my best to turn my alarm off as I reached for something in my nightstand, hoping that I can touch the device soon.

"Victoria, Victoria!" A loud bang was heard on the door and I pretend that I haven't heard anything but it was impossible to pretend if it's the thing keeping you awake. She is mouthing nonsense as usual or maybe trying to wake me up so I can do all the chores for her.

I take the pillow off my face and soon, I got greeted by the friendly rays of the sun and started kissing my face, I turn my back from the window to avoid the brightness and covered my whole body with my blanket and I was faced with my digital alarm clock realising the date today. I got out of my blanket and sat on the bed and held the clock on my hands.

"... And dress well since Mr. Minami is taking you out on a formal restaurant!..." Matilda rambled on and her words caught my interest since it has Mr. Minami's name on it, but I never would have known that he is letting me eat on a fancy restaurant on my 20th birthday.

22nd of September 1995 was the day that I was born and got out of my mother's womb and it's exactly 20 years from now since I've been thrown out in this sinful world.

"Okay, okay, just go away!" I yell back to the nonstop shoutings of Matilda and one last bang is heard until silence approached and only leaving footsteps were heard. I stared back at the clock, still can't believe that yesterday was my last day of being a teenager and I feel old.

I stand and walk in front of my mirror and grab a comb to untie the knots on my hair. Seeing my reflection, it doesn't seem like I'm 20, I still see myself as that innocent 8 or 7 year old girl back then who knows nothing about anything.

I was clueless and frightened at that time, I didn't know what to do, those memories were still fresh on my mind but never have I known the real story behind the imprisonment of my parents. All I know is that they go to McDonald's everyday to work and earn a million or half, monthly. I lived in a very wonderful house and my mother would always buy me new and expensive toys, that is until they were jailed and I was left to be guarded to Mr. Minami and his company.

Mr. Minami is nice but I really didn't like him at all, it's like he's a fake person pretending to be all nice and mister goody pants but at least he is nice and he did provided me a house and education and food like he said when I was given to him and I did get to see my parents every two months. That Japanese guy looks like he had something planned on because he wouldn't do this for me and my parents without a reason, of course there would always be a payment or a condition for all his deeds.

I took a shower and quickly put on my uniform. I graduated high school two years ago and here I am going to a university and studying criminology which is quite ironic because my parents are so called "criminals" while their daughter here is studying criminology.

I walk downstairs since I was ready to go and I see Matilda cleaning the house and not a single dust is ever seen. I rolled my eyes away and straightly got out of the house and walk my way to get a brunch first before going to the university.

It was stupid to think of Mr. Minami to let me stay with Matilda even if I am now above 18 instead of having my own dorm and in that way, I wouldn't be bothered to wake up 30 minutes early just to get on my classes on time and in that way, I wouldn't be walking on the busy streets of Manchester all the way to the university everyday.

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