Theme Park Thrills ~America

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*sigh* Must I say it again? Hidekaz Himaruya owns Hetalia, not me...sadly...


"WOO~!" Alfred cheered excitedly as they rode the loop the loop. [Name], on the other hand, was screaming her head off in fear.

"Don't you worry [Name]!" Alfred used his hero voice, shouting so he could be heard above the screams of other passengers onboard the contraption of death, AKA "the Rollercoaster". "The Hero is HERE!"


That was, of course, a lie. [Name] did, in fact, feel a bit better knowing Alfred was there, not that she'd admit it, of course.

Even though Alfred had the thinking capacity of an ox in such situations, [Name] still didn't want to risk her feelings being found out. That, would be disastrous.

"Come on [Name]!" He pouted. How he managed to pout while being on a dangerous, life threatening ride was beyond her.

She ignored him, and instead concentrated on trying not to throw up.

   After ten frightening minutes, they staggered- well, [Name] staggered and America walked- to the food court to eat because, as Alfred phrased it, 'The Hero needed food to survive after all!' (Or something like that).

[Name] really tried not to look at the poor hamburger Alfred was currently annihilating, since the sight of it would probably make her throw up, and all the hard work she did during the ride would have been for nothing. She took a small chunk out of her cotton candy (which Alfred bought for her) while wondering what he had up his sleeve next.

   He had called her at two in the morning, asking her to go to a theme park with him, 'cause Kiku said 'no'.

'Smart guy,' She thought dryly. 'Although he has to suffer movie nights with Alfred, so he's not much better off.'

Anyways, she really had no choice, because Alfred wouldn't stop hammering her at two in the freakin' morning.

"Hey [Name]!?"

She was shocked out of her thoughts by the loud American. "Yeah Al?"

"You've been staring at me for the past five minutes..."

She blinked, and turned crimson red as the words registered in her mind. "I did not!"

"Yeah, you did." Alfred retorted, "Anyways, I finished eating a while ago, so let's go!"

"You finished so fast?" She was surprised. "I thought you usually eat around 5 at least..."

"I ate 12," Alfred replied impatiently. "And I want to go!"

With that he grabbed her by the wrist and started dragging her away.

"Where are we going?" [Name] asked, stumbling a bit due to Alfred's speed.

"The haunted house of course!" He replied easily.

'Of course,' she thought. 'Pick the one where you'll definitely wet your pants.'

 However, she said nothing.

   Alfred clutched [Name]'s shoulder the second they entered the haunted house. This annoyed her a bit, but she let it go (mostly because of that huge crush she had on him). Anyways, Alfred looked quite cute- wait, what was she thinking?! Alfred was not cute, Alfred was not cute...

"EEP!" Alfred clutched on tighter, if that was even possible.

"Al, this isn’t real. There's nothing to get scared about." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah? How can you be so sure?" Alfred said, panicked.

"Um..." [Name] wasn't sure how to answer that.

"HA!" Alfred shouted, before he shrieked.

"What happened this time?"

"T-there was something looking at me over there!" Alfred was hyperventilating. "I-It had red eyes!"

You sighed. "Are you kidding me? How many times do I have to tell you? It's FAKE!"

"NO IT ISN'T!" Alfred screamed, attracting the stares of of a random group of teenagers.

"Al, calm down!" You hissed.

"How can I? There's something out to kill us!"

"Look we're almost out of here, okay! Just hold on!"

    Alfred didn't relax until the both of you were a good distance from the haunted house.

"Phew!" He sighed in relief. "The Hero is safe!"

"Yeah, sure." You rolled your eyes.

Alfred's eyes softened. "The Hero's only safe because of his Heroine!"


"And," he continued, ignoring your question and leaning uncomfortably close to you, "The Heroine deserves a thanks." Now he was so close, your noses were almost touching.

"Al," You gulped nervously, "I-"

"-relax," He whispered, and you obeyed, closing your eyes.

Finally, his lips met yours. It was only brief, but the kiss made you so dizzy, you had to sit down.

 "How long?" You managed.

Alfred shrugged nonchalantly. "Since I met you. The haunted house was just an excuse, really."

"Wait, so you did all that screaming on purpose?"

", I really was scared, but I, erm...dramatised it a bit..."

"Alfred Foster Jones..."


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