~Norway I

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Name: Tanner Rivers

Appearance: Wavy, shoulder-length white hair, dark blue and black highlights, golden eyes

Flaws: Scared of being alone forever, shy, feels self-conscious and barely speaks as a result

Personality: Shy, bit introverted, prefers expressing himself through music

Hetalia Country: Norway


Norway sighed in exasperation as he was forced to listen to another one of Denmark's very long, very annoying, babbles. He could sense that both Sweden and Finland were beginning to get frustrated too, though none of them spoke up about it. They were honestly trying to be nice to him, though Denmark was no baby for sure.

"I need to go." He spoke lowly, nodding his head at Finland and Sweden, the latter man looking like he had swallowed a lemon. "I have got a lot of work waiting for me."

Denmark pouted, but nodded anyway. "Fine, fine Norge. At least I have Finy and Sve!"

Norway ignored him, packing everything into his bag.

The Nordics, excluding Iceland, had met up for a small conference over whether Denmark had done the right thing in pushing for spending ahead of the elections. A rather dry topic, according to Norway, but he had managed to get through it. He just kept silent, mostly, letting Sweden and Finland do the talking.

After exchanging a nod with the other two occupants, Norway lifted his packed bag onto his shoulder, wincing a bit at how heavy it was, managing a nod at Denmark before he left the room.

As he walked through the dimly lit hallways, he couldn't help but question which stupid person couldn't have the decency to get better lighting. The venue of the conference was no ordinary hotel, but it was frustrating to see just how thoughtless people could get.

And the wallpaper; it made Norway cringe...and he never did that. It was a horrible shade of yellow, and the top was slowly peeling off though, Norway bitterly thought, the hotel people probably thought they wouldn't notice.

He paused, however, when he heard something peculiar coming from one of the (many) rooms that were present on that floor.

Norway was not known for his music, at least in comparison to Austria (the maniac), but he did enjoy a few good pieces. And from what he heard, the music seemed to be pretty good. Not completely perfect, but refreshing.

He walked hesitantly, listening closely for a hint, so that he could find the room and, more importantly, the musician.

His head perked up when he located the door at the end of the corridor, to the left, and he nearly bolted (nearly) across the hallway to reach it and yank it open.

Abruptly, the music stopped, and the person who was playing it froze in their position at the piano.

Norway couldn't make out her face, but saw wavy, shoulder-length white hair, similar to France's hairstyle, but with Prussia's coloring. He liked neither of the two nations, but he couldn't really judge the person. She had a few streaks of black and blue in their hair, and Norway would normally find that distasteful, but in this case, it actually seemed to look, well, good.

Then, she turned around, and Norway couldn't help but gape because were those eyes golden or was it just him?

"You're playing was amazing," He complimented the girl, who looked down shyly at her hands.

When she didn't reply, he continued, "I am being perfectly serious, you're playing was good. It is not often that I get to listen to this style of music."

When the girl still didn't reply, Norway decided to tackle the situation a little differently. He normally wouldn't go to such lengths for a human, but...this person had serious potential.

"Move over, and sit there." He motioned at one of the chairs that lined the wall of the room.

She looked appropriately shocked, but complied to the pleased Norwegian.

Norway sat at the stool, adjusting it carefully so he had enough place for his arms and feet, before he pondered over what type of song to play.

When he had decided, he stretched his fingers (for good effect) and let his fingers feel the smooth keys, before letting them run free.

It was as exhilarating as ever, to be playing the instrument, and Norway found himself disappointed when the piece came to an end.

He stood up, saying, "That was a piece called 'In the Hall of the Mountain King' by-"

"Edvard Grieg!" A boy shouted, startling Norway, who looked outside to find the person, to no avail. He shook his head, and looked at the girl.


"He's one of my favorites!" The girl said excitedly, eyes shining a brilliant gold, only her voice wasn't like a girl's, and then Norway realized that, oh, was the person even a girl..?

"You're a guy?!" Norway blurted out unabashedly.

The boy froze, before a startling pinkness took over his cheeks, making him look surprisingly cute, Norway thought in a daze.

"Um, yeah." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Why does everyone think I'm a girl?" Then, suddenly, he grew stock still.

Norway couldn't help but answer. "Because you kind of act like one."

The boy muttered incomprehensibly to himself, wringing his hands, and Norway lent close enough to hear, "Stop talking, just shut up, don't look stupid..."

"Hey," Norway leaned in concernedly, grabbing the guy's hands and forcing them to stop shaking. "Calm down. Breathe, okay? You are fine. Say it with me."

He was used to this, actually, especially because many people had this problem during war-time.

Finally, the boy stopped shaking, and Norway asked him a question that he had been meaning to ask.

"What's your name?"

"Um, Tanner Rivers." The boy looked down at his hands, startling when Norway grasped his chin gently and lifting it up.

"I'm Lukas Bondevik." He introduced himself, smiling when he saw something similar on Tanner's face. "I can very confidently say that it's a pleasure to meet you."


Please don't hate me! I know I've been away for a really long time, and I think I won't be continuing this collection anymore. Of course, those who requested before I put up the notice about not taking requests will see their oneshots. I'm just not taking any more requests, that's all.

I'M NOT TAKING REQUESTS! (sorry, this was just to grab some attention)

Thank you for all the votes and comments (I noticed that most of them came from England's chapter), and I hope to see you guys with another Hetalia-based work soon!

~ beingawesome

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