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I hope this isn’t way too late…if it is, I’m sorry!


[Name] couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped from her. Okay, the more-than-one chuckles that escaped from her mouth. It was just- it looked so funny!

Lukas stood in front of her wearing his usual emotionless face, but [Name] using her top-notch observatory skills, realized that his eyes held a bit of…worry?

She immediately tried to stem the flow of her laughter but failed, not miserably, but still failed nonetheless.

“What’s so funny?” Lukas questioned, his eyebrow twitching slightly, letting [Name] know that he was beginning to get (more than) slightly irritated.

“Nothing,” She managed to gasp out. “It’s just…all of this…it’s too much!”

“Too much?”

[Name could tell what Lukas was thinking. A simple table with plates and champagne glasses on it wasn’t that much of a big deal, but to [Name] it was.

“Do you…not want this?” He asked with a hint of worry laced into his tone. “Would you rather we go somewhere else?”

“No, no!” [Name] smiled. “I think that this whole thing is really sweet of you, but…booking the whole restaurant? Don’t you think that’s a bit much?”

“It is?” Lukas sounded contemplative. “I should kill Denmark.”

That brought another bout of laughter out of you. “Denmark?! You took advice from Denmark?!”

“I didn’t take advice from anyone.”

“Sure you didn’t.”

After a moment of silence, Lukas said, “Well, we should sit down.”

“Sure! [Name] replied, happily bouncing towards her seat, hand outstretched to drag the chair back, only…it was already pulled out.

She looked out to see the captivating pools of blue that were Lukas’s eyes, and found herself to be mesmerized by them, as she always did. It wasn’t until Lukas cleared his throat that [Name] realized that she hadn’t moved, nor said a thing.

“Oh, uh thanks.” Damn it, why was she blushing? This was Lukas, they had been dating for a month, this was normal…

Wait. This wasn’t normal.

[Name] glared daggers at the unsuspecting Nordic, who was currently flipping uninterestedly through the menu.

How dare he treat her like that! How could he?! After all they had been through, how could he have the guts to treat her like a…a…a girl!

 “What do you want?” Lukas asked, breaking [Name]’s murderous train of thoughts.

“Oh um…” She busied herself by looking at the menu, silently berating Lukas as she did.

‘Stupid Lukas! I hate you!  Why do you make me feel like this?’

“I guess…” She pondered as she stared between two items on the menu. “I’ll have the…tomato soup?”

Lukas raised an eyebrow as he took a look at his own menu card. “How about you pick something else?”

“Well…I don’t really know what to pick.” [Name] confessed shyly, though a part of her got even angrier at the Norwegian for questioning her.

Lukas only gave her what could be described as an amused glance.

   When the waitress came to collect their orders, Lukas said something to her; something that was too complicated for [Name]’s tongue, try as she might, to pronounce it…which only further infuriated her.

As they waited for the food to arrive, [Name] could only fiddle with her dress, due to the awkward silence that hung over them. Just as she was about to burst, Lukas was saved by a very familiar, and annoying, voice.

“HA HA HA! Lukas, you actually are here!”  Mathias shouted gleefully.

Lukas seemed just as shocked as [Name] felt; how on earth did Mathias get in?

“Get out.” Lukas ordered, stony.

“Aw, but why?” Mathias literally pouted (pouted). “I wanna stay h-“


“You’re so mean!” He complained before sighing. “Fine. I’ll leave then.”  And so, he left.

Then, the food arrived. [Name] was a bit disoriented from Mathias’ visit prior, but her senses could still identify good food. Digging in, [Name] momentarily forgot about how angry she was with Norway.

“What did they make this with?” She pointed to her dish in between mouthfuls.


The blood rushed from her face.

She hated Lukas again.

After exiting the restaurant (in which Lukas paid for her food, the idiot), [Name] couldn’t hold her anger in anymore.

“What do you think you’re doing!” She yelled suddenly at Lukas, who involuntarily gave a small start.


“You were treating me like some…some…girl over there!” She pointed back at the restaurant.

“[Name] I-“

“I’m not some stupid little kid who can’t do anything by herself, you know!? I can make up my own mind!”


“And you know I don’t like fish! How come you ordered me something with fish!?”

“[NAME]!” Startled, [Name] glanced at Lukas, who seemed like he was trying to hold back laughter. “I thought that…since it was our one month anniversary…that I would, you know, get you something special.” His gaze dropped down to the floor. “Mathias told me that most girls want something special to celebrate it, so…”

[Name] started laughing. She couldn’t help it. She kept laughing, until she wheezed and spluttered. “You…you listened to Mathias?!” After noting Lukas’ slightly hurt expression (though it didn’t show prominently) she continued, “I’m not some random girl Lukas. You don’t have to do so much for me.” She smiled at him, blushing. “But…that was really sweet of you.”

“So…are we…” Lukas trailed off.

“We’re good.”


I hope that its to your liking. Sorry if it's not that good!


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