~Prussia I

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Name: Valeria Kirkland

Hetalia Country: Prussia

Basic Appearance: Long brown hair with red highlights, Greenish blue eyes ; height: 160cm.

Personality: Tsundere, sometimes Yandere

Flaws: Scared of being hurt easily

Preferred Situation: A party where Prussia tries to be a hero.

WARNING: Character Death

(I'm sorry, but...this was what came to mind)


Valeria Kirkland winced as the noise split her ears. It was way too LOUD, and she was, frankly, upset. Well, that would be a bit of an understatement.

"BASTARD!" She yelled angrily at some guy who had the misfortune of chancing upon her. Upon closer inspection, she realized it was Eduard, a rather shy boy who had recently moved in from Estonia.

'Ivan must have forced him to come.' She thought wryly. It was no secret that the tall Russian often bullied people to gain friends. It was a rather strange tactic, but Valeria couldn't really blame him; he was rather lonely.

"Sorry, Eduard." She apologized stiffly, since she wasn't the best with people. She had no reason to be, either. There was no point in winning them over; not when they would leave her anyway. Only one person held a special place in her heart: Gilbert Beilschmidt.

Eduard nodded meekly, before rushing off someplace, probably to meet his friend, Raivis Galante. Valeria sighed, wondering to herself if, maybe, she really did need more friends.

'Tch, no.' She shoved the thought away in disgust. 'Don't need any more bastards coming in my way.'

 It was then, that another person crashed into her; 'most likely drunk' she thought bitterly, shoving him off of her. It sucked being short, needless to say, but on the bright side, her strength made up for it. Of course, it wasn't so much as Alfred's; Valeria shivered, remembering the time the cheerful American picked up a pick-up truck to freak out Arthur Kirkland, her brother. It was sort of funny at the time, though.

"Yo, Valeria!" She grinned in surprise before turning to face the person who had called her. "What's wrong, meine liebe?"

"You know what's wrong, Gil!" Valeria pouted childishly, a complete switch from her previous disagreeable mood. "The party's so boring!"

"Kesesesese~!" He laughed at her expression, before Antonio, his friend, pulled at his arm. "Don't worry Vögelchen, I'm sure you'll find someone to hang out with!" He was pulled away.

Valeria felt the tiniest hint of jealousy stirring in her stomach. Everyone was paying attention to Gilbert; too much attention.

"Hey, Valeria!" She turned back around wearing her pissy face, only to drop it when she saw who had called her: Feliciano.

Feliciano Vargas was a stereotypical Italian kid. All happy and cheerful, he managed to find a way to make everyone like him, including Ludwig Beilschmidt. He was Gilbert's brother, and once had a reputation of being the coldest jerk to grace the earth. After Feliciano happened, it was decided that he probably wasn't so bad, after all. The Italian had always made Valeria a little wary; he was a bit too cheerful. His brother Lovino, however, wasn't so bad.

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