A little wooden box

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Authors Note:
I do not own Harry Potter
All credit to J.K Rowling
This is my first book so please excuse any faults

There might be some swearing but nothing too bad

Now that all that stuff is out of the way let's start this story

"MUM!" I yell as I walk through the double doors into our overly large kitchen.

"Yes, honey?" She replies in her chime-like voice from somewhere above me.

"Do we have any fo- Never mind!" Thank god! FOOD! FOOD! FOOOOODD!! I. Am. Starving.
Just as I reached the fridge, there was a quiet knock on the door.

"You've got to be kidding, just as I get to the food. Coming! Hang on a sec." I groaned and shuffled to the large oak door. When I pulled it open there was a young delivery man standing in a official looking suit holding a long, wooden, rectangular box in his hands.

"Is Sophia Potter here. I have a....Um.... A package for her." He said in a kind voice that didn't quite fit with his icy-blue eyes and lean figure.

"Um, yeah she's upstairs I'll go get her for you" I turned on my toes and ran up the white tiled stairs towards my mother's room. When I reached the familiar beige door, it opened and mum walked out, her long brown hair bouncing in little ringlets at her waist and her slim toned body wearing a crop-top and booty shorts.

"Mum there's someone at the door for yo-..... What on earth are you wearing!" The clothes fit her well and she looked great, but I was shocked. Mum never, ever, EVER wore stuff like that. She has always looked good for a 31 year old and has never needed to reveal so much skin, for ANYTHING.

"Oh, hello Jenna. I was just about to go down stairs to the gym. Would you like to join me?" WOW! Her voice never stopped amazing me, it is beautiful, like an Angel's. Maybe my voice would be like that when I turned 14 maybe, maybe, hopefully.

I snapped out of my thoughts when mum said "Jenna? Jenna! JENNIFER!"

"Oh, Um, yeah, What?"

"I presume you came up here to tell me something sweetie."

Oh, right. There's someone at the door for you." I said remembering those extremely blue eyes.

At the bottom of the stairs mum looked flabbergasted. "Daniel?! My, what are you doing here?"

"I have a......um....parcel for you , Mrs Potter." Daniel said with a cheeky grin. "Perhaps we should talk in private." They both looked at me.

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving. Don't get your knickers in a knot. Geez!" I turned the corner and headed straight to the fridge. Rummaging through it I snagged an apple and a ginger beer.

I was just about to head up to my room when I heard Daniel ask Mum "you haven't told her yet?"

"I can't it's still not safe. I've had to reject McGonagall twice already, but when the Letter arrives this year on May 10 I'll tell Jenna all she needs to know about our world.

May 10? MAY 10! That's my birthday! Why would I be getting a letter from mcoganall, no wait, magnoliall."Pfft!" Stuff it!

I heard mum and Daniel say their goodbyes as I closed the door to my room. Something was up and I, Jennifer Hermione Potter, was going to get to the bottom of it.

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