The Hogwarts Express

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A.N   Really long chapter to make up for the last one. I'm sorry if the first few are REALLY boring but that's just the beginning

Jenna P.O.V
Platform 9 and platform 10 there's nothing in between how was I supposed to get to platform 9 and 3/4 in 15 minutes if I have know idea where I'm going?

"Mum! Why is this place always crowded with muggles ?" A girl - who looked around my age, had long auburn hair, silver Disney-style eyes, an Italian completion and freckles on her nose - asked her mother.

"Because, Emilia, it's a muggle train station." The girls mother, who looked like an older version of the girl, Emilia, I presume.

" Mum, Emi, hurry up or you'll miss the train!" A blond girl with those beautiful silver eyes whined. Then she ran straight at a brick wall, pushing her trolley and holding a white cage with a Lovely black owl inside.

The front of her trolley disappeared then she - and her owl - were gone all together.

" Excuse me Miss!" I say running up towards Emilia and her mother. "Can you help me? I don't know how to get onto the, the...... Um?

"The platform, dear? The woman finished my sentence with a question.

"Yes. I don't know how to get onto the platform. Can you show me how?"

"Of course sweetheart. Now, You just run straight at that brick wall," she said pointing to the large wall separating 9 and 10 " But, we must hurry or you'll miss the train. By the way, my name is Susan and this is Emilia. Hurry now. Do it together.  

I walked into the centre, about 5 meters away from the bricks. Emilia did the same thing and stood next to me.

"Ready?" She asks

I take deep breath "Ready!" I reply.

We then run for the wall holding hands and pushing trolleys.
Everything was dark for a moment, then I was blinded by the light of the old, magical station. People were rushing around everywhere carrying; Trunks, Books, Owls, Cats, Ferrets and I even saw one or two Toads. Gross.

Emilia dragged me towards one of the open doors of the old, red steam train. I caught a glimpse of the words running along the side of the train, it read 'HOGWARTS EXPRESS'. I can't believe I'm going to the place where my parents and grandparents learnt magic. Wow.

"Hey! New girl! Come on!" Emilia said. It took me a moment to realise she was talking to me.

"Oh. Right, yeah, COMING!"

I lagged my extremely heavy trunk through the doors, Lacey - my owl - flapped in her cage, angry at all the jostling . Turning back around I noticed the doors were closing and the last few people were getting into the carriage. I started to walk down the narrow corridor, following behind Emilia's long auburn waves. I was not going to sit by myself and she was the only person I knew.

As I walked (more like shuffled) down the thin hallway, I looked into the small compartments that lined the left side of the train. In one of them a tan boy with dirty blonde hair looked up, our eyes met and he smirked. I tore my bright green eyes away from his topaz ones. Topaz? Who has topaz eyes? Maybe he was using contacts?

When I finally reached the compartment Emilia was in I stopped, shocked. There was a girl with strawberry blonde hair in a pixie cut sitting across from my only friend here. I guess I shouldn't be surprised everyone in my year has already been here for two years and they were bound to make friends.

The girl looked up and said "Hello, I'm Jana, it's nice to meet you-" she stopped unsure on what to call me.

"I'm Jennifer, Jennifer Potter." I say.

They both stop breathing. Emilia's head snapped up "Potter? As in Harry Potter?" She asks

"Yes. He's my grandpa. " I say slightly confused.

"And you're the daughter of which of his children?" This is Jana now.

" I am the daughter of James Sirius Potter and Sophia Anne Longbottom" I say with absolutely no clue how and why they know so much about my family.

"Look, Jennifer-" I cut Jana of.

"Jenna. Please call me Jenna. I only get called Jennifer when I'm in trouble or someone's trying to get my attention."

"Right. Jenna, your grandfather is famous throughout wizard kind. He defeated-" she took a deep breath  to steady herself then continued "He defeated Lord Voldemort. With the help of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, they were and are still his best friends.

"Their granddaughter, Sierra Weasley was my best friend growing up. She is coming to Hogwarts next year. We both grew up not knowing anything about wizards and witches, she still doesn't know. It's not safe yet. Kinda sad really but I don't mind. I found out early that I'm a witch- well earlier than my parents wanted me too. Oh, you must see my wand. Mum and dad say most people have wooden wands, but look at mine." I pull the crystal and garnet wand from my pocket. The girls 'ooh' and 'ahh' over it. "I'm glad that mum bought this wand for me, but I don't know how much it must have cost. 70 Galleons? Probably something like that."

"It's beautiful Jenna." Emi says, a hint of awe in her voice.

"Uh-ha" Jana says not even able to speak properly.

I giggle. But that stops abruptly when the boy with the weird eyes walks in wearing black robes and a green and silver tie.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Emilia hisses at the boy, her awe disappearing .

"What I want is your new friend here," he gestures to me "But what I want and what McGonagall wants are two very different things." We stare at him dumbfounded, me with a touch of disgust.
"You need to get dressed losers. We're 20 minutes away from school."   On his way out me muttered something that sounded like "Gryffindors"

"Holy  shit! come on Emi, Jenna we gotta go now!" Jana exclaims dragging us by our wrists.
When we are finally back in out compartment Jana says to me "Dude! Those robes fit you sooooo well! They fit your figure perfectly. Emphasising your boobs, ass, and legs."

"Hot!" Is all Emi says.

'Ta guys. Might I add that you both look gorgeous in your robes as well." I fain a posh voice and stifle a giggle.

"Why I'm flattered." Emi says, playing along.

"As am I" Jana tries but fails miserably. We're quiet for a second before bursting into laughter.

To anyone passing by we must have looked insane.

"Ooh! Jana, Jenna it's the corner. The first place where you can see Hogey-warts."

The three of us leap to the window and press our noses up against it. At first I couldn't see anything special but as we rounded a slight corner a magnificent castle comes into view. Turrets and Towers, Lakes and Bridges, it was all there, lit up by flamed torches lining walls and paths. It was Marvellous.

And as I stepped off the train, arms linked with Jana and Emilia's, I was ready. Ready for my first year at this magical school.

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