Fine. I'll help.

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Unknown P.O.V

As I entered the common room, Caspian and Alice pulled me aside.

"What?!" I asked completely irritated.

"I need your help." Caspian said at once.

"With what? What could you possibly need from me. I 'always mess things up' " I yell, waving my hands like a lunatic and quoting him from last year.

"Well, I've heard that one of Potters new friends has a major crush on you." Alice said in her timid voice, her black hair braided like some new princess my sister is obsessed over. Some times I wonder how she got placed in Slytherin at all. She it way to..... Good.

"Fine! I'll help. But on one condition......."

Sorry for the EXTREMELY short chapter but I felt like I needed to write something.

Anyway. Thanks for actually reading, and I hope you like it.

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