Just a bit MAGICAL

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Using my super, amazing, mega-awesome, spy skills, I snuck into mum and dad's room with one mission: to find that stupid box (and maybe look into some early birthday presents). There is a month till I turn 14 and if I don't find it by then:
A) My sneakiness is TERRIBLE;
B) I will die of curiosity; and
C) I'll never know why Mum and Daniel Kept it a secret from me.

I looked in all the obvious places, such as in the closet, under the bed, on mum's bedside table. NOTHING! Then I searched the unusual spots such as, in the fluffy white pillows, in mum's massive ensuite. I even searched in the bed. Still, NOTHING!

I flopped Down on mum and dad's king sized cloud - now all messy from my searching - and looked up at the ceiling of my parent's two story bedroom. Except now there was a black hole in their otherwise white roof. I felt a sudden urge to explore the unfamiliar and secret room.

Using the bed as a trampoline I jumped up and grabbed the edges of the small square, flinging my legs in and with all my upper body strength I pulled myself into a tiny room full of old coat things, large dusty books and...... Broomsticks?

Feeling around with my hands, I located a light switch and flicked it on. The small 3 by 3 metre room lit up in a brilliant range of colours, from dark blue to yellow, jade-green to red.

In a far corner of the room, a familiar wooden box caught my eye. I walked over to it, picked it up and put it in the pocket of my white spy gear -it blends in with the house- and jumped through the hole, landing on the cloud, but unintentionally falling off. I fell face first into the hard, palm wood floor.

I groaned as I ran into my mint-green and white themed room. Diving into my queen Sized bed and pulling out the dark brown box, I heard Dad get home from work and walk into our lobby-sized lounge room, turn on the huge flat screen TV and start watching a cricket game.

I returned to opening the smooth box.
'Wow this thing must be really old.'

"What must be really old, Princess?"

Shit! Did I say that out loud? "Oh, er, well you see" I started, shoving the half-opened box under my pillows "at school we're....er..... Um..... Doing history and.......people found a really old thing." I said, trying to think up a believable lie on the spot.

"What sort of thing, Princess?" Dad questioned me again, his light brown eyes full of suspicion. He reminds me of my Nana Gin when he does this, even though he looks like Grandpa Harry in every other way.

"A special type of Crystal." I say finishing off my lie. I hate lying to my parents, even though I'm good at it.

"Okay. I'll see you later then Jenna." The suspicion in his eyes lightening as he left the room.

When I was sure he had gone, I jumped up and quickly shut the door. Flopping down on the sea of green again, I snuck my hand under the largest pillow on the right side of my bed, trying not to make any noise as I pulled the slim piece of wood out from under it.

"Finally!" I Unlocked the latch and lifted the lid. In side the case was some deep-red velvet, surrounding a slender piece of pure-white crystal with garnet flowers around the bottom and a line of garnets running up one side.
It looked beautiful, wonderful, Magical.

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