King's cross station

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A.N- Ok so I don't know how good this chapter's going to be but I think I'll try writing in Emilia Rose Romaldo's  P.O.V   Later on in the chappie.

>.<* TIME SKIP TILL MAY 10 *>.<
I woke up to the sound of arguing. Walking down the stairs and into the kitchen, I saw mum and dad fighting over which colour to ice my cake. Dad wanted green, but mum said violet.

"How 'bout both?" I yawned shuffling to the island counter in the centre of the room.

"Morning Princess, Happy birthday." Dad says while hugging me and kissing the top of my head.

I scoff "Good morning Father."  Then turn to mum "Morning Mum."

"Morning honey."

"So, what's for Breakfast?" I ask them both.

"What ever you want, princess." Dad says.

"Ummm? How 'bout..... PANCAKES!" I get way too excited about food.

"Consider it done." Mum said waving a stick- Which I discovered is her wand- over a clean plate. A stack of 6 pancakes appear, covered with lemon, sugar  and a scoop of ice cream.

Just as I was about to take my first bite, a soot coloured owl flew through the open kitchen window.

"Why does this always happen to me?" I grumble as Dad gets up to untie the letter attached to the birds leg.

"Sophia," Dad said turning towards Mum, "It's from Hogwarts."

My parents both look to me and mum asks, " Jennifer Hermione Potter, do you want to go to the school where your father and I met, where Nana Gin and Grandpa Harry met, where granddad Neville and granny Luna met? You can say 'no' if you want."

"Are you kidding," I asked. They both looked kinda disappointed, until I said " I'm going to Hogwarts, I'm going to Hogwarts!"

"Now Jenna, listen. Your father and I can't come with you onto the platform. We both have to go to work, so remember you have to get onto platform 9 and  3/4 BEFORE 11 o'clock. You have half an hour. If you can't find it ask someone ok, sweetheart. Oh! I'm going to miss you so very much." Mum said kissing my forehead then passing me to dad.

"Princess, we need to go but, you need to remember this, you will be going into your third year. People will be a lot better at magic than you until at least Christmas. Make me proud, Make us" he gestured to himself and mum" proud, but also make Harry Potter proud of his beautiful, amazing, brilliant granddaughter." Just as my parents turned to leave Dad bent down beside me and whispered in my ear "if you can pull more pranks than me, Albus and Fred did, before Christmas, I will buy you the biggest, best most amazing present you could imagine."

"Consider it done. I want a lion please Daddy." I hugged him then kissed his cheek and ran of in the direction of platform 9 and 3/4, pushing my heavy trolley that held my trunk, my new robes and my beautiful snowy owl named  Lacey.

Emilia's  P.O.V       (1 hour earlier)
"Dad? Can we go now? We're going to be late." My sister Naomi says hopping up and down after having way too much coffee.

"We could Nome, if you had your trunk." I replied for dad.

"If you had your trunk, bla bla bla pfft." Naomi did a fantastically amazing impression of me.

"Okay, okay, just go get your trunk from upstairs. And hurry if you want to make the train." Dad yells after her.

"It's her 5th year at Hogwarts, you would think she would remember her trunk." I say to mum who had just walked into the lounge room.

"I think you forgot something as well Emi." Mum replies holding-

"Katy!" I say running towards my little grey kitten who is squirming in mum's arms. "I put her in her cage just before dad called us down to use the Floo." I say to mum, before turning my attention to Katy. "How did you get out little one? Naughty girl! I could have forgotten you sweetie."

"I'm ready- Good you've got Katy, I've got Jane," our owl "Can we go noooowwww? Pleeeeese?" Naomi puts on her famous puppy dog eyes, I just laugh at her.

"We were about to leave without you." I joke.

"No. You. Were. Not." Nome retorts grabbing a handful of Floo powder, stepping into the fireplace, throwing the fistful of green powder and yelling "KINGS CROSS STATION!"

We all followed her lead and hopped into the fireplace.

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