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It's a very rainy evening, Steffie and I decided to cook dinner for all of us. Since we've had enough of take-out dinner.

"It smells good kids!", dad said.
"Hey dad", me and Steffie greeted back.
"What's for dinner?", he asked.
"I cooked meatball spaghetti and Stiles made some salad", Steffie said proudly.
"That sounds really appetizing. Let's go and eat, I'm starving", dad said.

We all went to the kitchen and eat dinner. Kinda miss our mom... Wishing she's here to guide us and care for us. It's not like dad didn't care for us, but its different having mom here with us.

"So... How's school", dad asked.
"Dad, it's so amazing. Everything is so cool, except Mr. Harris and maybe Coach Finstock", Steffie said. And she began telling dad everything except what happened when we're at the Preserve.

"Dad, I need to go. I have lots of homework to do", I said.
"Yeah, me too", Steffie said.
"Ok, I'll do the dishes", he said dismissing us.
"Night dad", we both said.
"Night kids", he replied.

We went upstairs to work for our homework.

"Why didn't you tell dad about me with you last night?", Steffie suddenly asked.
"I don't want you to get in trouble", I said.
"But still... You did your little revenge", she said.
"That's nothing. Let's just say, that's what brothers do to teach their siblings a lesson", I said, making it sound obvious.
"So that's your way of punishment", she said.
"Kinda", I said.
"Ok. But still, thanks", she said.
"For what?", I asked.
"For not getting me in trouble", she said.
"Its nothing. Just remember: I got your back sis", I said.

She look at me dumbfounded, and then she smiled. She might not feel, but I'm sure she'll appreciate to know that I'm here for her, not just an annoying brother, but also her protector.


I can't believe what I heard from Stiles. He told me that corny line, it kinda warm my heart, knowing he's there for me not to be annoying but also protecting.

"Can I ask a favor?", I asked.
"What?", he said.
"Can I join your adventures with Scott", I said.
"What makes you think I'll let you join", he said, eyebrow raised.
"Oh come on, it'll be fun", I said.
"And dangerous", he added.
"I know", I said.
"You knew it will be dangerous, and yet you still wanna come", he asked.
"Yep, maybe I could be some kind of help", I said.
"You think you could help?", he asked.
"Please, please, please. I wanna come. I want to stop my boring life here in Beacon Hills", I begged and pouted my lips.
"If you'll gonna show me those pouty lips of yours, I might say yes but I'm thinking of your safety, so... The answer is still no", he firmly said.
"I promise not to disrupt whatever you guys were doing, just let me join", I still begged.
"You promise?", he asked.
"Yes, I promise", I said.
"Ok, I'll let you tag along", he finally gave in.
"Yes!!!", I said, jumping.
"Just promise one thing", he said.
"Anything", I said.
"Not to tell anyone about our adventures, ok", he said.
"Ok bro. Like you said: 'I got your back'", I said and hug him.

He hugged me back though awkwardly. I'm really glad to have a real bonding experience with him. I'll always look forward for all these adventures.

My Brother Is Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now