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During break, I cornered Scott because I saw my dad at school talking to the principal. It seems that it's so important. Wonder what's it about?

"Tell me what do you hear", I told Scott. Knowing his heighten senses might help.
"Something about the curfew because of the body", Scott said.
"Wonderful. My dad's off to find some rabid animal, while the jerk who killed the girl is actually roaming around enjoying", I sass.
"We can't tell your father the truth", Scott said.
"But we can do something", I said.
"Like what?", he asked.
"Like finding the other half of the body", I said.
"Are you kidding", Scott said.

I walked away as far as possible from Scott to prepare myself. Finding that body will take time but it's all the worth.

"Hey bro", Steffie greeted.
"Hey Steff", I said.
"Problem?", she asked.
"Nothing", I said.
"Oh come on, tell me", she said.
"Unless... You can tell me how to find the other half of that dead body in the woods", I said.
"I can't tell that... But Scott called", she said.
"What did he say?", I asked.
"He said; he found the other half of the body", she replied.


I don't know why Stiles has to hurry up, I just told him that Scott found that dead body. Also, he took a lot of adderal and that makes him more  hyper active. We, I mean he drive while I tag along, to Scott's place and rush to Scott's room.

"Where did you find it? How did you find it? And yes I've had a lot of adderal", Stiles rapidly said.
"I found something at Derek Hale's", Scott said.
"Are you kidding? What is it?", I asked, excited about his news.
"There's something buried in there, I can smell blood", Scott said.
"That's awesome!", Stiles exclaimed. "I mean that's terrible. Whose blood?", he added.
"I don't know. But when we do, you're dad's gonna nail Derek for murder and you guys are gonna help me play lacrosse without changing, because there's no way I'm not gonna play that game on Saturday", Scott declared.
Stiles smiled at Scott's declaration so am I. Finally an adventure.

That night, we went to Beqcon Hills Hospital to investigate the first half of the body. When we enter the hospital premises, wr looked for the morgue.

"Hey", Stiles said, tapping Scott's shoulder and pointed at sign saying where the morgue is.
"Ok", Scott said and went in.
"Good luck", I said.

Stiles and I went to the waiting area to wait for Scott to finish. There we found Lydia sitting as if waiting for someone. I looked at my brother and saw a huge grin plastered on his lips, it seems that he has this weird thought or maybe a stupid idea, very stupid idea.

"Oh my god", he whispered.
"What's wrong?", I asked.
"Nothing", he replied.
"Oh! There's Lydia", I said.
"So what?", he asked.
"You don't wanna miss the chance to confess your feelings for her", I said. Maybe that gave him confidence cause he manned up and walk to Lydia.

"Hey Lydia. You probably don't remember me. I sit behind you in Biology. Uh, anyway. I always thought that we have this kinda connection, the unspoken of course. Maybe we get to kinda know each other a little bit better", he said.
"Hold on a sec", Lydia replied while removing her headset. "I didn't get a word you were saying. Would you mind repeating", she added.

My brother's confidence crumbled down the drain as he only smiled anf return to take his seat.

"Hey, what're you doing here?", somebody asked me. I looked behind me to see who spoke: Lee Perseus.
"I'm here because of... Stiles's check-up", I pointed at my brother whose busy reading a pamphlet about... Menstrual Cycle?
"Oh", he said almost close to laughing.
"Hey Steffie, we need to go", Stiles said.
"So Steffie is your name", Lee said.
"It's none of your business", I said and walked away.

Scott told my brother everything he got from investigating the body in the morgue. Like the bodu smells the same as the blood he got from Derek's place. So Stiles decided to bring shovel so that they could dig up the place.

We got to Derek's place finding him leaving. So we took the opportunity to dig up the freshly dug soil in his backyard.

"Wait. Something's different", Scott warned.
"Different? How?", I asked.
"I don't know", he replied. "Let's get this over with", he added and start digging. So as my brother.
After few hours of digging, they still found nothing. I'm losing patience.
"I think this is taking so long", I finally said.
"Yeah. I agree", Scott said.
"Just keep digging", Stiles insisted. They kept digging.
"What if he gets back?", I asked.
"Then we get outta here", Stiles said.
"What if he catches us?", Scott asked.
"Well I have a plan for that" Stiles replied.
"Which is?", I asked.
"You guys run the other way, I run the other. Whoever he catches first too bad", he answered.
"That's your plan?", I asked.
"Yep", he said.
"I hate that plan", Scott said. They continue digging then my brother hit something.

"Hey stop, stop, stop", Stiles said, stopping Scott from digging. They began digging the hole with their bare hands like cleaning it or something.
"Hurry", I said. Excited about our discovery.
"We're trying. Did he have to tie this thing in like 900 knots", Stiles sass.
"I'll do it", Scott said. They kept on taking off the knots until it was done. They open the wrappings until...

"WHOAAAA!", we all screamed. The hole has no body in it... It was a wolf.
"What the hell is that?", Stiles asked.
"Isn't it obvious. It's a wolf", I replied.
"Yes I can see that", Stiles said. "I thought you smelled blood as in human blood?", he turned to Scott.
"I told you there was something different", Scott replied.
"This doesn't make sense", Stiles said.
"How come?", I asked.
"I don't know", he said.
"Come on, we have to go", Scott said.
"Yeah. Help me cover this up", Stiles said. Scott and I helped him covering the hole but then I found something. A purple flower on the side of the hole. I pointef it to Stiles and he nodded towards it.

"Did you see that flower", I asked them.
"What's with it?", Scott asked.
"I think that's wolfsbane", Stiles said and walk towards it.
"What's that?", Scott asked. Stiles kept ranting on some werewolg movies he watched cause Scott didn't know about this stuff (poor Scott).

The wolfsbane has a rope tied on it's roots. Stiles pulle the flower also the root and traced the trail that made spiral around the hole with the dead wolf. After everything has gone, we look back at the hole and the wolf is gone... There lay a new body... A human body. It looks like we found the missing half of the body.

My Brother Is Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now