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Uncle Peter really made sound so convincing but he's not my Alpha so why in the hell am I gonna help him with his revenge? That's because we're family and families help each other, that's what my mom's gonna say. As we went out of the hospital, we go down to the basement parking and got in to Uncle Peter's car.

As he drive along the road to school, he's explaining his plan of reveng to the person responsible for the Hale House fire and how to get Scott in his pack. Derek and I sitting side by side listening to every word he says. When we got to Beacon Hills High we went to the boys locker room. It seems that the game is over. Poor Stiles, he didn't play his first game. We went in and found Scott showering. We waited till the locker room's empty, looks like my uncle loves this suspense thing. I heard that Scott called out his team mates because Uncle Peter switch of the lights. Then Derek rolled out a lacrosse ball. They really enjoy this whole thing about dramatic entrance.

"Thank god! Where the hell have you been? Don't you know what's going to happen?", Scott asked as he saw me with Derek. We both fell silent as Uncle Peter got in.
"I don't really get lacrosse. We play basketball when I was in high school. That was a real sport", he began. "But I read it somewhere that it is used by the Native American tribes to resolve some conflicts. Come to think of it... I have some unresolve conflicts to myself", he said. Scott just glared at the 3 of us. Trying to make sense on why Derek and I are with the alleged murderer.
"I need your help, Scott", he said.
"I don't wanna kill people", Scott replied.
"Only the responsible ones. It doesn't have to include...", he said them look at me.
"Allison", I said. Scott glares back at me. I knew all along he'll be mad at me. And I hate it. I don't wanna make my friends get mad at me. Especially Steffie.
"You guys are on his side?", he asked.
"He's our uncle", I reasoned.
"It has to happen", Derek added.
"Did you forget that he killed your sister?", he asked directly at Derek.
"That was an accident", Derek replied.
"I think you're getting the wrong impression of us", my uncle said.
"He just did that to make you reach your full potential", I said.
"By killing my friends", he said.
"Sometimes the ones who are closest to you, holds you back", Uncle Peter said.
"It holds to turn me into a psychotic nutjob like you. I'm okay with that", he retorted.
"I think you need to see it from my perpective", my uncle said and dug his claws to Scott's nape. Then he left and so did Derek. I had no choice but to follow them. When we got out of the locker room... I saw Steffie.


I entered the school on the way to the boys locker room, I saw Lee together with Derek and some older guy and then I remember Stiles texted me to be careful because the one who bit me is awake. I was about turn around when the older guy saw me. He smiled as he approach me. Lee got ahead of him and tried to block him.

"Please, let her stay out of it", he pleaded the guy.
"Steffie Stilinski...", the guy began.
"Uncle you already cause enough. Please don't use her to this", he continued his pleas. That guy is his uncle? Stiles said in his text that their uncle is the Alpha. So I run as fast and far away as possible but he still reach me. Then he did something to me that make me see what happen to him after the fire happened.


"Steffie! Steffie, get up", someone said. I got up and saw my brother hovering over me. "Are you okay?", he asked.
"Yeah. We need to find Scott", I said and got up.

Me and Stiles run to the locker room to find Scott sitting on one of the benches wearing nothing but towel on his waist.
"We have a huge problem", Stiles said.
"Trust me, I know", Scott said.
"Does this have to do with the Alpha?", I asked. They both looked at me.
"You knew?", Stiles asked. His eyes were narrowing.
"I saw him a while ago", I said.
"He's with Derek and Lee", Scott said.
"And Lee wants me out of this mess", I added.
"Their uncle's out for revenge", Stiles said.
"And he wants us in his pack", I said.
"Did he got you too?", Scott asked me.
"Yes. He did something to me that made me see what he's up to", I said.
"He did that to me too", Scott said.
"And you guys will help him on his vengance?", Stiles asked.
"Wel, I'm not killing inocent people", I said.
"Neither am I", Scott said.
"So, what are we gonna do?", Stiles asked.
"We have to protect the people that surround us", Scott said.
"And get Derek and Lee to understand that their uncle's up to no good", I said.
"Then let's go save some lives", Stiles.
"Before that. Get something to wear", I said to Scott. He looks downward and realizes he's not wearing anything except for the towel. He chuckled and asked me to leave the locker room so he can change.

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