Idk what to call this

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Hey! So, how's life y'all? Good? Good.

I really just feel like writing tbh. Not sure what about but I need to write.

I'm currently on holiday with my family. Caravanning around Australia in the middle of summer with no consistent source of wifi. Lovely.

Nah it is actually good to get away from the small minded town I call home. I feel like I can be myself more. Well I want to be. And 2015 has made me realize how bad my town is at allowing people to be themselves. I really want to move out now. To anywhere really.

But yeah. Oh! I also really want to get 4 tattoos. Small don't worry. A delicate arrow on the back of my neck, WILD across my right wrist, a filled in black love heart on the inside of the base of my left index finger, and a treble clef on the skin between the outside right ankle and heel. I really want them. Also a piercing on the top on my right ear. My parents would hate it if I did any of that. I'll just wait til I'm 18. Then they can't really stop me. Can they?

Also I have written this letter thing to Tyler Oakley which I want to post on either Twitter or tumblr (I can't decide yet) but I really don't want it to sound like I regret meeting him. I LOVED meeting him. It was the best night of my life so far. But I wished I hadn't felt so rushed and nervous. I didn't even introduce myself for god sake. My sister did and she didn't use my full name. And I want to tell Tyler this, but not in a way that it sounds like I regret meeting him. It wasn't the right time in my life to meet one of my favourite people and inspiration. I needed a few more months to get my thoughts in check and find me (that sounds so cliche but I'm way more confident now then I was 4 months ago. Especially since the start of the year. I was so shy back then. Gosh).

Oh idea! If anyone wants to help me and read though my letter? I'd be so grateful. (Tbh who reads this. Message me. Come say hi xx).

So bye I think? My family is out on a walk rn. They asked if I wanted to come and I'm like NOPE I need to write (I didn't say that last part but I still didn't go for the walk. Plus it's 36 fricking degrees outside. I'd melt like the wicked witch from Dorothy)

Okay I'm rambling no BUH BYE.

EDIT: my mum just called me and sung 'I want you, I'll colour me blue' and tried to convince me to leave the air conditioning because there were blue seats. I may love troye, but I don't give a rats patootie if the seat is blue.

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