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After an hour of silence and peace, Julian nudged my arm lightly. At first I ignored him altogether, but he kept doing it until he finally got my attention.

"Do you need something? I'm trying to sleep." I looked over at him briefly, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

"Just look." He motioned his head up towards the rearview mirror.

I sat up in my seat, looking through the rearview window curiously. I didn't see what he was getting at first, but after a few moments I got the jist.

"It's been going on for at least fifteen minutes." He chuckled, making a right turn into a McDonald's parking lot.

"Why are you watching them?" I asked; my eyes never leaving Cheryl's messy bun bouncing up and down vigorously and Blake's persistent moaning.

"You're just as bad as me," Julian shrugged, pulling up towards the drive thru window, "anyways, are you hungry? Want anything to eat?" He asked as he took off his seatbelt and pulled out his wallet.

"Yeah," I replied awkwardly as I looked towards the menu.

"See anything you want?" He replied, his chocolate curls bouncing slightly every time he spoke. His hair was in the same messy quiff he always wore, but it never failed to not make me swoon.

"A caramel mocha with a sausage mcgriddle, please." I tried to sound the sweetest I possibly could; don't get it twisted though, it was only because he was buying me food.

"Alright," he rolled down his window and stuck his head out of it, speaking into the small speaker, "I want a sausage burrito with a sausage egg mcmuffin, a coke with easy ice, a caramel mocha and a sausage mcgriddle."

The cashier gave Julian his total before he pulled forward and stopped at the first window, handing the card to the lady. She smiled at him when she gave him his card back with the receipt and he smiled back before he drove towards the second window.

At the second window, the same thing happened. The employee gave him a flirty smile along with our food and drinks, except this time the innocent little bitch received an ugly scowl from yours truly. Luckily Julian didn't see my grimace of death because if he did he probably would've come to the conclusion I was jealous and I wasn't.

Shortly after he pulled out of the small drive thru lane he parked in an empty stall, waiting for Blake and Angelo before we continued our journey to the ski resort.

"Did you get much sleep last night after we talked? I was awake all night. The gods must've been in a bad mood or something." He took a bite out of his breakfast burrito.

"You don't really believe there's more than one god do you?" I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my coffee and took a drink of it.

"I'm not sure, they teach us one thing in religion and another thing in history. I mean what if there's more than one? Maybe they all help each other out." He shrugged, picking up his coke while he took another bite out his burrito.

"If there is more than one, or one at all I doubt he's got help." I said.

Julian had been on this thing since we were kids. He used to be a devout Catholic like me, but he later turned agnostic and then took an interest in greek mythology.

He loved the concept of some powerful god wielding a lightning bolt, another holding a trident, one being the leader of hell and a beautiful goddess who everyone was in love with while her son shot arrows of love at everyone.

Even though the idea was complete bullshit no one ever said anything to him about it. We all just kept quiet.

After Julian and the rest of the boys finished eating, they drove back on the road and continued the journey to the resort. The scenic drive was full of snow topped evergreen trees, yet the smell of the air resembled a pine tree. I didn't mind it at all though, I loved the smell of pine in the winter.

Julian was focused on the road, so we hardly made any sort of communication for the second hour, but by the time we passed the halfway point he started to open up more.

"Did you do anything fun yesterday?" He glanced over at me and then back at the road.

"I sucked a díck, how about you?" I asked, looking at the chipped pink paint on my fingernails from my manicure last weekend.

Julian gripped the steering wheel tighter than he usually did as he rolled his eyes, "I finished up some homework and went to practice, the usual."

"Are you still the star quarterback for the bulldogs?" I fawned over him sarcastically.

"Yeah I am, you should come watch me play sometime. Blake just became a wide receiver and Angelo is still a linebacker, but it's better with them on the team."

I nodded in response, "sure thing Jules," I said as I glanced over at him.

After a few more minutes of driving we were finally at the grandiose resort.

Once Julian parked I opened my door and hopped out of the suv, opening the backseat door to get one of my bags. Julian told me all of us were staying in the main lodge according to Angelo, since Angelo was the one who made all the plans and reservations.

I sauntered around towards the back of the suv to get my other bag once I had my first one, but Julian already had it on his shoulder along with his two bags and the snowboard he was carrying in his left hand, so I just let him.

Penny and Angelo took the longest to gather all of their things since Penny decided to bring her whole entire room with her, Blake surprisingly only had three bags for himself which was a new record while Cheryl brought two like Julian and I.

When Penny had all of her things, we all went inside. Angelo checked us in and led the way towards our rooms. He had rented out the whole top floor where the penthouses were, so we all had to cram inside of the tiny elevator that took us from the lobby to the thirtieth floor.

As soon as I got out of the elevator I took in a large breath, no one knew it but I was extremely claustrophobic and I hated being locked inside elevators, especially ones where room was scarce.

Angelo had a small meeting with the boys while Penny, Cheryl and I also gathered into a small group and talked amongst ourselves.

"You guys already made me ride in a car with him which forced me to talk with him. You aren't going to make me stay with him, I'll lose it." I huffed.

"Fran, can't you take one for the team? Angelo said he wanted to hit tonight." Penny begged.

"Yeah and Blake said we could fuck tonight instead of Saturday." Cheryl whined.

"For fucks sake can't one of you stay with me and and sneak over into your man's room at night?"

Penny looked at Cheryl who looked back at her and then at me, but their faces still said no.

"Listen-" Penny started.

"We'd love to, but Julian is apparently planning something-"

"For you both." Penny bit her bottom lip nervously.

"You both know I can't stand that fucking bastard, yet you're gonna force me to sleep in the same room with him? Fine forget it." I turned around, walking towards the trio of boys before I pulled Julian along and asked him to open the door to the first suite.

Pissed was not the word to describe how I was feeling. I felt like slicing someone's throat, but I didn't want to pull an Agnes.

"Hey. . . You alright?" Julian asked, setting our bags down by the door once he was inside and the door was closed.

"I'm fine," I brushed him off, "Is this ours or one of the others?" I set my essentials bag down by the door, practically gawking at all of the fancy furniture and architecture the room displayed.

"For us." He smiled crookedly.


thoughts on julian? maybe on the trip or how Cheryl and Penny sold out Mary to get some dick lololol

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