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"Are you alright? Are you okay Penny? Where's Cheryl?" Agnes asked, her breathing hitching every once in awhile in the back of her throat, causing her to hiccup lightly.

"Cheryl is with Blake at the hospital near the resort. I'm sure the officers will give her a ride back to the school tomorrow." Penny reassured her, patting her shoulder lightly.

"What exactly happened?" Zavrina questioned further as Penny shut the door quietly behind us.

"Penny made a comment and Julian snapped on her and tried to fight her." I simply shrugged.

"Don't forget the part where he purposefully hit Blake in the nose and then fought Angelo." Penny huffed.

"That too." I nodded.

"That's so scary," Agnes sighed, "I'm so glad you're all alright though. I would've lost it if he hurt you or Penny."

"I'm alright Agnes, chill out okay? I'm fine." I tried to be as sympathetic as I possibly could since Agnes was so scared and sensitive with certain things, even though I "hated" her, I'm sure there was a spot in the pits of my cold heart that had tiniest drop of love for her.

Agnes sniffled and nodded while Zavrina rubbed her back to try and calm her down, she was the only one who was genuinely scared; Zavrina and I were chill while Penny was still heated.

"Everything will be alright." Penny added as we began our journey with our bags back to the west wing of the school; I was just relieved the officers didn't want to talk to an authoritative figure like Archbishop James, although I'm sure at some point he would find out what happened and that some of us were intoxicated, which would lead to some issues in the near future.

As we all walked quietly in the semi-lit hallway, a door opened and out popped Father Jason looking confused as ever.

"What are you girls doing roaming the halls so late at night?" Jason asked, eyeing each one of us thoroughly.

"We're sorry Father, we were just- uh, getting back from the bathrooms." Penny lied and we all nodded.

The story was partly believable because Agnes and Zavrina were in their pajamas and looked as if they were ready for bed, but Penny and I were not.

"Alright, go ahead, but next time go at an earlier time. If Ms. Torres caught you out here at this time of night you would be in trouble." His voice was deep and raspy, but attractive as ever.

"Yes Father." We all murmured simultaneously before we started to walk off towards our dorms.

"Mary, you stay though. I'd like to speak with you."

The rest of the girls turned around and watched me walk back towards Jason, acting as if they were gonna hang around until we were finished, but much to their dismay; Jason dismissed them first and waited until they were far enough away to speak to me.

"The bathrooms are almost exactly three doors down from your room going west, so what's the actual reason you're wandering the hallways?" His eyes glistened under the small light; making them look beautiful as ever. His eyes were so amazing, they told a story; a different one from the rest of the boy's eyes I'd ever observed.

"Me and Penny got kicked out of the resort because there was some drama and Agnes and Zavrina opened the door for us." I responded.

"What kind of drama and where's Cheryl?" He leaned against the wall, looking genuinely concerned.

"Penny and my ex Julian got into an argument so he tried to fight her and Cheryl's boyfriend, Blake tried to stop him but Julian elbowed him in the face by accident and Blake fell backwards and hit his head on the tile, so Cheryl went with him to the emergency room," I sighed before I continued, "and Penny's boyfriend Angelo tried to protect us which lead to him fighting Julian."

"Are you alright? Are you hurt, I've got to tell Arch-"

"Relax I'm fine, but please don't tell him. It wasn't that big of a deal. If you tell him he'll blow it out of proportion and there was alcohol in the room, which means I could get a bad punishment for something I didn't do." I interrupted him.

"But Mary he needs to be charged and have some jail time, where does he go? I'll call the authorities myself." Jason reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone like he was ready to take action.

"Jason please don't. None of us were hurt except Blake and Angelo and they will mostly likely forget about it and stay friends with Julian, plus him and Angelo are in jail and Julian's dad is rich—like filthy rich and he's really respected, so all he has to do is make a call to the jail and pay them off not to mention it to Archbishop Frank or at all," I nervously stopped him as I persuaded him not to do anything, "My parents already know and they'll have a talk with Julian's parents and they're friends."

Jason stared at me for a long time, saying nothing and doing nothing as he thought it over, locking his phone and placing it back in his pocket, "If he ever hurts you Mary, do not hesitate to tell me. I mean it." He said sternly.

"I won't." I nodded briskly before sighing in relief.

"I'll walk you back to your room." He said as he turned around and sighed as well.

The walk back to my dorm was dead silent and extremely awkward since last time we were together I was sucking him off with Cheryl, but nonetheless I still enjoyed his company.

"Are you coming to mass?" He eyed me as I pulled my key out of my bag and fiddled with the door knob.

"Probably not because I have some assignments I procrastinated on that I need to finish." I replied, unlocking the door after some odd seconds of messing with the lock.

"Oh," he breathed, "well I guess I'll see you later then."

"Yeah, for sure." I said as a small grin appearing on my lips before I opened the door and walked inside with my bags.

"Wait," he uttered quietly, "I was thinking that we could hangout on Friday night?" He licked his bottom lip slowly.

"Is Father Jason asking little ol' me on a date?" I sarcastically set my hand over my heart.

"It's not a date Frannie." He rolled his eyes playfully.

"Sad," I pouted, but quickly cheered up once he smiled at me, "I'll check my schedule."

"I'll meet you in the lobby at seven, don't be late." He said, whispering the last the part in my ear.

"Yes daddy."


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lil bit of a filler, but I will be updating a lot into the next week since I've been writing like crazy lmao

new chapter up tomorrow night :)

((btw look @ mom in the gif))


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