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I woke up to the sweet smell of gingerbread engulfing my nostrils and the air around me. I usually wasn't one to like anything remotely gingerbread related, but the scent was so alluring I just couldn't help myself.

I sat up from the bed, swinging my legs off the mattress before I sauntered away down the secluded hall. I knew Jason was up because the spot next to me was empty and multiple clanking noises could be heard from the main floor. I wondered why he was up so early, hadn't he had enough of that at school?

I wandered down the spiral of wooden stairs curiously. The smell of gingerbread being more prominent now that I was closer to the kitchen, but I didn't mind it at all.

I brushed a hand through my wavy hair as I turned the corner and stepped into the kitchen. There was flour all over the countertops along with tiny specks of it on the floor. Dough—which I presumed to be gingerbread dough—mushed perfectly in Jason's large hands before he pressed it against the counter.

It didn't take me long to notice Jason was completely naked. The counter blocked out the lower portion of his body, but the top was just hanging out there—it was a glorious sight. I figured he'd been working hard by the droplets of sweat that had formed at the top of his forehead and the sweat glistening in the sunlight that coated his upper body.

I bit my lip lightly, hiding behind the wall that separated me and him. I felt the urge to suck his díck right then and there, but I refused to act on it; instead I kept observing.

"It's not polite to stare." He said, catching me off guard.

"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered out, hiding of my face behind the wall. I didn't think he'd notice me here; especially since he hadn't looked up from his position once.

This time he looked up at me when he spoke, "do you like gingerbread?" He smiled, licking the excess dough off the tip of his thumb.

"Depends." I replied shyly.

"Come give it a taste." He moved out from behind the counter leaving absolutely nothing to my imagination. I could see him perfectly clear. His waist was covered in bits of frosting along with a trail of it emerging from the head of his cóck down to the end of it—right before the thin layer of his pubic hair.

"Unless you don't like blueberry frosting." He shrugged his shoulders in a way that was so seductive it took my breath away.

"I-I'll be right back." I struggled out before I disappeared back into the hallway.

I didn't know what it was about this new Jason, but it was causing me to lose my mind. I was slowly falling into the stereotypical "timid teenage girl" persona. It only happened when he was around and I didn't like it. I needed to show him he didn't have control over me.

I rushed up the stairs and into the bathroom—eyeing everything I had unpacked from my bag last night. First I did my daily morning routine which consisted of brushing my teeth and washing my face, next I brushed my hair and flat-ironed it out a bit to make it more presentable and finally I applied a thin layer of gloss to my lips and powder to my face.

After I finished up in the bathroom I stripped out of my boy shorts and my plain crop top and strutted down the stairs confidently. I entered the kitchen proudly, scooting past him to get a bottle of water out of the fridge, "cleaning the mess without me I see."

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