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Ever heard the phrase "time flies when you're having fun?" Well that phrase just about summed up my life at the moment.

I was getting down and dirty, and down to business with Jason. He wanted it almost everyday and he wanted to keep it spicy. So far we had fucked in the janitor's closet, his office, my bedroom, his bedroom, in the forbidden stairway, the gardens and last but not least, the bus. Each time we did it—it was more magical than the last, especially since we were exclusive now. Boyfriend sex was much better than stranger sex.

That's how I spent all of January. I either had my nose in a book or Jason had his nose in between my legs. He was so unpredictable and bad, the thought of him actually being a priest made me laugh. Jason wasn't a priest or a good boy—he was the bad boy I read about in all of my fan-fiction's.

Now it was the second week of February and I was thrust into the commotion of the lunch room. All the girls were excited because Winter Formal was coming up. In our school it was called the Cupid's Ball because the administration didn't believe in having a dance in January and February, so they just mixed them together to form one.

"I already have the perfect dress for the dance. It's dark blue." Penny babbled on as Cheryl and I finished up our lunches. Her and Angelo were quickly approaching their one year anniversary and I was happy for them. I could see why she was making such a big deal out of the dance.

"What're you wearing Cheryl?"

"Don't know yet. Blake wants to attempt a theme this year, so I'm totally in the dark about it until the end of the week." She sighed, "how about you Fran?"

"I've got a black dress I've never worn and my mom keeps bugging me to wear it so I'll probably wear that." I shrugged. I wondered what Jason was going to wear or if he was even going? We hadn't talked about the dance because we were too busy getting it on.

My thoughts were interrupted by Ms. Lopes' squeaky voice—ringing through my ears along with the voices of the girls who made up the student council—and the rest of the general population, of course.

"For the first time in fifteen years St. Mark's will be hosting the ball with us! And the ball will be held in their school's ballroom!" All the girls cheered, "there will also be free gondola rides for you and your date across the lake to St. Marks. The theme this year is 'A Night in Venice.'" She squealed. I think she was more excited to be attending the dance than all of us combined.

I looked up at the Headmaster's table. All the teachers were making small talk as always and Headmaster Westbrooks was looking down at the podium Ms. Lopes was standing at, giving her a devilish grin—which was creepy.

As for Jason; he was talking to Mrs. Edmunds—the physics teacher. Although she was married, she had a history for messing around with men in the administration and that made me nervous. But was I jealous? No definitely not.

Until she started whispering in his ear and twirling her perfect blonde hair around her perfect little finger.

"How come Jason is talking to Mrs. Plastic. Does he not know she's a walking STD?" Cheryl rolled her eyes and Penny giggled. I just looked at them and smirked the metaphorical pain away.

"Are you jealous? She's doing that thing Fran. That hair twirl thing." Penny said.

"I'm not jealous. They're in public they can't do anything anyways." I semi-lied and semi-brushed it off. I had no real reason to be jealous because I knew Jason was into me and I was into him. I still felt little pangs of jealousy surge through me though.

"Good point." Cheryl agreed.

"Let's get out of here. Class starts in a few minutes."

All of us got up, throwing our trash away and heading for the exit of the lunchroom. I fixed my tights just before we left—to make sure they were pulled up enough. I could sense his eyes on me, but I didn't give him the satisfaction of sharing his gaze. Mrs. Edmunds could do that for him.


In the final minutes of U.S. History, I finished and my essay and turned it in before the rest of my peers did. Mr. Devine even let me leave early which I was thankful for. I headed to my free period right away, walking into the library right as the bell rung.

I sat down in armchair near the back of the enormous library and pulled out my laptop. I had some homework I needed to finish for Chemistry and I figured it was better to do it now then wait till the last minute.

Twenty minutes into the assignment someone appeared in my peripheral vision and then sat down in the chair next to me. I was too focused on the assignment I didn't look away from the screen. It was either Cheryl or Penny. I knew that for a fact.

"Doesn't the library have study rooms for a reason." The man chuckled and I only knew one man who chuckled like that. I was wrong.

"If I would've been in one of them. . . You wouldn't have seen me would you?" I held back my smile.

"Touché." He said.

I looked up from my laptop and smiled at him. He was in his usual clerical clothing today. His tab collar was prominent and his cassock was missing in action.

"I wasn't assigned for dance duty next Sunday night. What do you think about dinner and a movie instead. Like a real date? Dances are lame anyway." He kept his distance, but I could tell he really wanted to hold my hand.

I thought about it for a moment. I really wanted to hangout with my boyfriend, but maybe I wanted to go the dance too. Everyone else was going and Julian never took me to any high school dances, we always did what he wanted to do.

Then again Jason was different. Staying home with him was probably a better idea.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Great. I'll pick you up at eight." He kissed my cheek. Thank the heavens the corner we were in was secluded from the rest of the library.

He got up from the leather armchair, kissing my cheek before he headed toward the entrance of my secret corner.

"Oh and Father McCann," I twirled my dark locks around my finger. "Don't let that blonde bimbo tempt you. I wouldn't want you to miss out on this." I giggled playfully just as the tramp did, lifting up my skirt and spreading my thighs wide enough Jason could see the dainty fabric that covered up my pússy.

He actually lit up like a christmas tree.

"Yes Ms. Winters." Was all he said before he disappeared behind a shelf of books.

"Good boy." I whispered. "Good boy."


look how nice & amazing I am I updated twice today (:

since I did that, I expect 30+ comments on chapters 19+20 combined. So if there's 20 comments on 19 and 10 on this one (vice versa) there will be a quick update!

leave me your thoughts/nice comments cause they're entertaining to read lol.

anyway thanks 4 reading

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