Good friend

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"Oh hi casp" Joe said a little embarrassed," this is a good friend of mine..." He paused and nudged me as if that was my queue to say my name because we didn't know each other's but I guess his was Joe.
"Hannah" I said after a little pause.
Joe looked at me in the eye a smiled, "Hannah"

"Oh hi Hannah, I'm Caspar! Joes favourite South African!"
Oh South African, that explains the accent, he seemed nice however. But Joe was still looking at me, his eyes fixed.
" it was nice meeting you Caspar and seeing you Joe but I had better go and get changed, it's really cold in here!"
We then both went back into our changing rooms to get changed.

As I was getting changed I noticed a small piece of paper it looked like a leaflet had been pushed under my door. I picked it up and saw someone had written something on the back, Joe.

Meet up again sometime? Joe xxx

He has clearly written out his number at the bottom and drawn a little love heart at the end, cute. Was it fate I bumped into this stranger twice? I could never be as lucky to meet someone like him?

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