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"Han, do you want to stay here the night?" Joe looked at me though bruised eyes.

"I haven't got any...."

"It's fine, Zoe left some pjs and things when she stayed, she won't mind!" I felt a bit guilty using his sisters things but the least I could do was stay and check he was ok.

We all sat on the sofa with Casp in the middle when we realised we hadn't eaten.

"do you want to get some takeaway or something?" Joe asked.

"Oooooo! Pizza!" Casp shouted.

"Sounds great, do you want some money?"  I replied.

"My treat!" Joe tried to wink but his eye looked sore.

We spent the night eating pizza and watching marvel films. We stayed up until 3am when I decided to go to bed. Casp offered to take the sofa so I could sleep in his room and have a bit of privacy.

I kissed Joe goodnight after changing his bandage on his eye and made my way to the bedroom.

I slipped on Zoe's pjs which fit perfectly and climbed into bed.

I did the usual and check Facebook before setting my alarm, putting my phone on the side and snuggling down.

I got really comfy when my phone pinged and I had to check it.

I sat up and checked my phone.

I had a text from an unknown number.

Ditch him, or I do it for you.

Whoever it was didn't like me- and defiantly not Joe. I put my phone on the side and went back to sleep, thinking about the strange text.

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