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part four,
11:32- ;

"No you don't do that silly" Hansol giggles as I mess up the math equation. It was the next week, meaning our second tutoring session. This time father told Lynn to set up the session in the dining room, he probably didn't trust Hansol and me alone together after the wink at the restaurant.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't understand" I giggle back as Hansol takes the notepad and shows me the correct way to do the equation.

"I like your bandana" I say, resting my head on my palm. Hansol looks at me and I faintly notice the small blush on his pale cheeks. I only just realized the white and black material wrapped around his head.

"Thanks, wanna try it on?" He asks as I nod excitedly. He reaches his arms up as he unties the bandana. His muscles flexing as his fingers work on the material. A look of frustration comes across his face as he tries to undo the knot.

"Need help?" I giggle as Hansol sheepishly nods, turning around. I brush a few strands of his blonde highlighted hair out of the way as I work on the knot. Hansol plays with the ring on his pinky as I take off the bandana.

He turns back around with a smile, as I hand the white material to him. "Okay now turn around".

I turn around and lift up my mop of hair as Hansol brings the headpiece around my forehead, coming around to tie it at the back. His fingers briefly touching the back of my neck. When I felt the absence of his hands I turn back around with a silly smile and let my hair free.

Hansol lets out a small and almost silent 'wow' as I giggle at his reaction. "You should pull these bits out, they're kind of stuck" he lets out a shy laugh, his face scrunching up as he reaches a hand towards my head and pulls out a few delicate strands, framing my face.

I try not to notice how close his face is to mine as his fingers fiddle with my hair. I distract myself by looking down at his navy blue baseball shirt. If I wasn't so distracted outlining the patchwork of his top I may have noticed my father come in, but I didn't notice and from the way Hansol was acting, he didn't either.

A loud cough makes the tutor and I jump apart in an embarrassed mess. Hansol takes one look at my father and then keeps his eyes on the ground. As for me I stare straight into my fathers eyes, trying to keep calm.

"What is happening here Hansol, I pay you to teach my daughter, not to date her" my father says sternly, Hansol looks terrified as he plays with the edge of his shirt, now realizing how protective my father is.

"Father he-" I start before I get cut off.

"Hana I am not talking to you!" He yells causing me to sink back in my chair as my eyes widen. Hansol side eyes me, a look that is sympathetic.

"I'm sorry sir, your daughter and I don't have anything of that nature going on between us, I am just her tutor." The Korean speaks calmly. I can't help but feel the pang in my chest when he says that nothing was going on between us. Even though there wasn't and I still don't feel that way towards him, it still stung slightly and I don't know why.

"Mr Chwe, give me one reason now as to why I should not fire you for canoodling with my daughter" My father tries to say sternly, although he stuffed up his act when he used the word 'canoodling'. Hansol cannot get fired, I'm sure then father would get me a female tutor, and I like his  company.

"Your daughter has progressed so much in these two lessons, and I really need this money" Hansol pleads, and I feel as that I'm seeing another side of him. This isn't his sweet attitude that I witnessed last week, this is worried Hansol. It's noticeable that he didn't want to admit how much he needed this money. Father was silent for quite a well, then he let out a long sigh.

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