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part sixteen,
09:35- ;

I was the one who broke the silence.

"What did you just say?" I said, teeth gritted and hands balled into fists, trying the hardest I possible could to keep the anger inside of me. From the corner of my eye I could see Lynn gulp and slowly back away to the foyer.

"You heard me Hana, I know why you had his jumper. I can't believed I raised you that way!" Father stood up from his chair and inched closer to me, but I didn't back away like I normally would have.

"Father, I can't believe you thought-"

"No Hana, I can't believe I raised such a- such a" His voice raised immensely, making me flinch slightly in which became unnoticed to him, but I was sick of Father treating me like I was some four year-old.

"Say it" I said quietly through clenched teach, hands shaking from holding back too much. He stepped that inch closer to me so I was only meters away from him, my face was hot with anger as rage rushed through me and I knew in that moment if he said it I'd be gone.

"Such a slut!" He boomed, and it was like my heart snapped in two, my own father had spoken the words he swore he's never say again since mother died, said it to my face, his own daughters face.

I gulped, feeling angry tears bundle up in the corners of my eyes, threatening to pout out. I could faintly notice Lynn pocking her head through the arch to the kitchen, a shocked expression on her face.

Without I word I turned on my heel and made my way into the foyer, vision blurred from the angry tears bundling up in my eyes. Putting on any stray pair of shoes at the front door I let out one last look over my shoulder before walking out, making sure to slam the door behind me.

I walked through the gardens at the front of the Park mansion, memories replying in my mind from when I was younger. It was just to the left where I was looking at my window, watching Father come out of the pitch black limo to be kindly greater by my mum.

The screams clouded my mind as I watched him push her onto the ground in his drunken state, doing things he swore he would never do.

It was when he spoke that one word that I pulled the curtains and got back into bed, crying my little 9 year-old self to sleep, and to think at the time I didn't even know the meaning of that powerful word. That was the last time I had ever seen my mother.

Making it onto the road, I made a sharp turn left, my feet taking me any other place that would be better than home. My mind was running too much, the pounding in my head not leaving, even when I sat down on the dirty foot path, back against the neighbors white brick fence.

I tried my hardest to block out all the memories of my father's bad times but in that second they all came flooding back, hitting me like a tone of bricks.

Bringing my knees to my chest and burying my head into them I didn't hold back as I cried, chest crumbling as I felt my world come apart.

Over my loud sobs I could faintly make out the noise of cars zooming past, also getting a whiff of smoke as what I assumed as I smoker drove past.

It didn't come across my mind that it was just starting to become winter as I faintly felt a light drip of rain fall upon my arm.

Regretting not wearing a jumper before I rushed out of the house I brought my arms closer to my body, trying to warm myself up in the slightest, and in which I greatly failed.

That one drop of rain on my arm turned into thousands as they began to pour from the grey clouds above, in which I didn't notice before.

Before I knew it I was soaked from head to toe, although I still didn't move an inch, heart too broken from my Father's hurtful words.

It was a little while longer until my tears subsided, the last of them remaining on my swollen cheeks. Chest still tight and throat still sore.

It wasn't until I heard a car pull up on the side of the footpath when I raised my head from my knees, shocked to see who it may be.

It was a simple black car, not too expensive and not too cheap, the windows also tinted a dark shade of black. My heart instantly started to pick up speed again, for a different reason this time as the car door opened on the other side.

Holding my breath and blinking through the foggy tears I faintly noticed a wad of burgundy hair come my way. It wasn't until he knelt down in front of me, resting on the tips of his toes, that I realized it was Jeonghan.

I gulped as he picked up a strand of dark hair on the side of my face and wiggled it between his finger and thumb.

"Jeonghan?" I whispered, using my voice for the first time in an hour or so. At my words the boy dropped my hair, resting his hands on his lap and staring in my eyes with a look of worry. I rise my head a bit higher when I heard him hum and murmur under his breath.

"C'mon beautiful, let's take you back to my place." Placing a hand on the small of my back he slowly lifted myself back to my feet, me in my sorrow state not being able to handle the sudden pressure, causing me to stumble slightly and fall into his chest.

Slowly he pulled me to his car, pushing me onto the passenger seat softly and buckling me in like I was a twelve year old.

"It'll all be okay."

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