Gremlins Under My Bed

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"I don't wanna!" I shouted, stomping my feet.

My mother rubbed her temples and sighed. "Why do you do this to me Summer? Every night since your cousins left. You know you need to sleep or you'll be too tired for school tomorrow."

I balled my fists, "But they'll get me!"

"We've talked about this," Irene replied, "there are no monsters-".

I cut her off, "They're not monsters they're gremlins," I whispered, almost too afraid to say their name; just in case they were listening.

She looked at me, and her face softened as she saw I was near tears. "There are no gremlins under your bed." My mom knelt in front of me, and cupped my cheek. "We checked last night, and the night before. We can go check again tonight if you like." She reached out to wrap me in her arms.

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