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Do we really help people?
Do we actually feel the emotion hidden beneath that ?
Do we really have that in ourselves?
What do you think help really is?
To ME HELP is an emotion!
Felt from the HEART!
It is a thought, to try and make OTHERS HAPPY!
A hope to lessen their stresses! , their workload!
Well let me remind you dear!
What help really means!
To You it is a selfish thought !
To fulfil our own requirements!
By completing our selfish motives!
And giving it a name as “help”!
What outstanding actors you all are!
It does not even feel fake!
Just think my dear! think!
Is that really what help is!
If you were in the one who needed help
And someone did that to you!
I hope you get the feel of what it would be like!
Ask yourself!
Why do we help others?
To let them Enjoy their life!
To lessen their work! So, they could actually LIVE!
We HELP them to make Them Happy!
Not Our Selves!
We do not help them to make Our lives wonderful!
By using them!
Selfish motives never help !
Greed is never a good emotion to feel
It never takes you UP,
IT takes you down!
Let us face the Truth!
We help people to fulfil our greed!
To fulfil our selfish Motives!
But keep it in mind!
Help is an Emotion felt from the heart!
Done in supervision of Heart!
Completed with full support of Heart!
And that my friends !
Is what help really is!
It is what Help Really Means!

Poetry By A Weird DreamerWhere stories live. Discover now