3. Nietz

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*A/N: Chapter has been revised! I will revise chapter 5 soon :)*


I wake up into the complete darkness. I am still a bit numb and in pain but somehow I manage to get up from the cold floor. Someone has treated my injuries. I wonder if Neo is conscious as well. I can't sense his presence but maybe he is hiding from me.

Good job. See where you got us? I say to him in my mind. He doesn't respond for a long while. Then, he finally snarls: Shut up. We will get out of here somehow.

Now, besides my own anger, I also sense his fury. He is clearly mad at me, even though he is the one who got us into trouble.

We will get out of here indeed. In a body bag. I tell him. By the way, what was your "I need to talk to the president" supposed to mean? Did you remember something when you saw that piece of paper? Something that involved her? I ask. His request really surprised me. Why would he ask for something like that?

He decides to ignore me. I clench my teeth. This is what I got for listening to him. Still, I have to try to get out of here. I need to look around first. I straighten my arms. After making three steps in the darkness, my hands meet the wall. I walk around the whole room. It's small and empty, pitch-black and cold. I can't even find the door.

You shouldn't have killed Vendel's daughter. I state the obvious.

You talk as if we were dead already. It had to be done. We had to try her. And if we got caught, then it was supposed to happen. We found that note.

Yes. But where was that note all that time?

It bothers me, but I am too tired to think about it anymore. AB negative... All answers lie in the ocean... But what are those words supposed to mean? Would they really bring us any closer to creating an overhuman?

My thoughts are interrupted when one of the walls opens and the light blinds me. Two highly ranked and well-armed Sentinels walk into the room without a word and grab me by my arms. I hiss in pain as one of them clenches the place where I got shot. I recognize him – he is the one from before. The one who has beaten us to a pulp. He forces my head down. Sentinels push me out of the room. I am walking, looking at my bare feet. I am still in my own clothes, dirty from my blood. However, my injured arm and leg are bandaged. The sound of our steps resounds through the empty hallways.

They are probably going to kill us in a few minutes. You should come up with some plan if you want to survive this. I tell Neo. He doesn't respond. Maybe he just left and went to live in someone else's head.

We walk for a long while and then we suddenly stop.

"Lift your head!" one Sentinel shouts out.

I lift my head with a calm expression on my face. They will not scare me.

In front of me is a metal door. They force me to look through the small circle window. Inside, I see what awaits me. An electric chair. I swallow hard. I wonder if the execution will be televised. Probably yes. After all that propaganda and advertisements for the battle, the viewers will finally get something interesting. Good for them.

When I die, at least, I will find out whether you really are my brother, Neo. I tell him, trying to find a silver lining of my situation. He laughs. Good for you. But it won't be necessary. I really am your brother. And my name is Noe, you jerk. And no way in hell I am going to die before I make at least one superhuman.

I lower my head to hide Neo's smile. He is planning something, after all. Sentinels turn me away from the window and we continue to walk. We stop in front of a big door from where I can hear many voices. Sentinels push me in. It's a huge courtroom. When I enter, everyone gets quiet. One look at all those people sitting in their chairs above me tells me that they really don't like me.

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