August-When is it now?

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I don't remember a thing about my life anymore. I got knocked out at my when my mom came home nd to a voicemail about me getting into trouble in school last week, but at the time it was only a few days prior and in her defense it wasn't really her fault. She was drunk and not thinking straight. Plus she is an adult and I'm not. It's not her fault that she was also stressed since she thought that they might press charges. She is always stressed these days and I just don't know what to do to be out of the way.  The other day we got into an argument about if I do enough around the house and well I'll just tell you the conversation since it is one of the few things I remember...sadly.

Mother: What is this mess?

Me: What mess are you talking about?

Mother: The whole damn house you f***ing idiot. Why don't you do anything to help me anymore?

Me: I'm sorry

I grabbed a mop and cleaned. That's all I've done


This is were this will stop for a good while (it isn't very good, but it will have to do for now)

Sorry guys!

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