The Wish

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           It like every other day for Goku except he had big plans. Goku got out of bed, got dressed, and ate breakfast then went out side with box with all 7 Dragon Balls. He took them out of the box and laid them on the ground. Then he stood up and called upon Shenron. "Shenron, I call upon you!" Goku shouted. 

        Then it became dark and the sky wasn't blue it was covered in rain clouds and lighting with thunder booming in the background. Then Shenron appeared before him and with his low, loud and booming voice he asked "Why do you wake me from my sleep?" And with that Goku asked for Planet Vegeta and every Saiyan that died by the hand of Frieza or any of his henchmen to be brought back and after stating his wish it was granted.

       After Shenron disappeared Goku used instant transmission to appear at Capsule Corp. to tell Vegeta the great news. He appeared in the kitchen where Bulma was washing the dishes from breakfast and Vegeta was sitting at the table playing Bull Shit with Trunks.

       No one noticed him until Vegeta saw that Trunks was lying about the cars he had just put down. "BULL SHIT!" Vegeta yelled jumping from his seat. Bulma turned around while saying "You shouldn't use that kind of language.... AAAAAHHHHH!" Bulma screamed when she saw Goku randomly standing behind her and Vegeta and Trunks looked up from the table and jumped when they saw him.

   "Hey guys." Goku sheepishly smiled scratching the back of his head.

   "Kakarot! What are you doing in my house?!" Vegeta asked while glaring at Goku.

    Bulma took a deep breathe and gathered her wits, glared at her husband for acting rude then smiled and turned to Goku, "Hi Goku, what brings you here so... Unexpectedly?" 

   Goku's smiled widened tenfold and he said "I have great news!" He paused and they all stares at him questionly so he would continue, "I gathered all the Dragon Balls and wished for Planet Vegeta and the Saiyan race back!" 

    Vegeta stared at him and smiled but then it turned into a scowl and then he said "My home has been restored by an idiotic third class! And me the prince of all Saiyans a didn't think of that!" Then he walked out of the room in anger. Goku, Bulma, and Trunks stared at his back until they couldn't see him anymore. 

     Bulma then turned to Goku and said "Congradulations on getting your home planet back." Then she went back to washing the dishes. 

     Then Trunks finally spoke and looked at Goku and asked "Do I get to see where my dad came from?"

    Goku looked at him and smiled "Obly if it's okay with your parents." Then Vegeta ran back in and punched Goku in the jaw.

    Vegeta then said "My son will go no where near the planet! It's way to dangerous for any of these people. As I've said before Saiyans are blood thirsty murderers with no mercy and I don't want my son to die." Vegeta then sat down in a chair to calm down. 

   Goku looked down at him and spoke "But that planet is part of his origin and he's only curious of where his dad comes from. And anyways he wouldn't be in danger we'd be with him."

    Vegeta looked at him as if he was crazy "You don't get it do you?" Goku gulped and replied with "I don't get what? Vegeta took a deep breath.

   "They'd  want to kill him because he's a half-blooded Saiyan and full bloods aren't very welcoming to Trunks' kind. They'd even want to kill your sons. And they may even want kill us since we don't have our tails." But then realization hit Vegeta. "But I'm the prince so they wouldn't want to kill me or my son. Though I have no promises for you and your kids, but I maybe nice and tell them not to kill because I still need to become stronger tha you so I can kill you." 

   Goku furrowed his brow "I never thought about that but anyways I need to go tell my sons so they know. Just in case we do decide to travel to there." And with that he ITed home. (A/N: IT means instant transmission for those who were wondering.) 

(Meanwhile on Planet Vegeta)

  King Vegeta was pacing about the throne room wondering where his son could be. 'I don't understand where my son could be, he could be anywhere around the universe.' Then someone entered the room and the king looked toward the door and saw Raditz. The king asked "What brings you here?" 

   Raditz stares at his King and replies " I know the location of Prince Vegeta, sir." 

    The king looked surprised "Then tell me where I can find him so I can bring him home."

    Raditz started to tell and explain, where and why the prince was where he was. "The prince is on earth because Frieza sent me there to check on my younger brother Kakarot, but I had failed and died so he and Nappa came to finish that job for me and I'm suspecting he and Nappa are still there, sir."

     The king looked at Raditz and said "Thank you. Now I want you, Turles, my younger son Tarble and Broly to go fetch them and bring them home. And take Tarbles ship instead of the space pods."

    Raditz said "I'll get right on the sir." He turned to the door and left to go find Turles and Tarble.

     The king stared at the door after Raditz left. Then he sat in his throne and said "I just hope my son is alright."

   Raditz found Tarble in the kitchen of castle trying to steal some sweets and then he found Turles trying get Broly to spar. When he got them and explained everything and then the four set off to earth. 

(Back on Earth)

    Goku was telling his sons about his wish which made them want to go to Planet Vegeta too. And once he finished talking to his sons it was time for bed. Goku went to sleep without any worries. But what he didn't know is that there would be some unexpected visitors tomorrow.

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