Family Reunion

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        When Goku heard Raditz's words he started tearing up and he held is father closer, and almost crushed him. "Kakarot, I can't breathe..." Bardock coughed out. Goku let of his dad wiping the tears from his eyes. Raditz smiled at the display.

       Then the palace gates opened and they all entered. The king was there to greet them when they got the door. He walked up to Vegeta and placed a hand on his shoulder and looked down at him. And Vegeta looked up at him and the king spoke first, "I'm glad your home, son." And then he brought Vegeta in for a hug. And what happened next left everyone silent in shock. Vegeta actually hugged back.

      When Vegeta let go of his father he looked him right in the eye and replied, "I'm glad to be home." Then he turned around to face his friends and he glared at the expressions on their faces. Because they were wide eyed with their mouths gaping. "What am I not allowed to hug my own father?!" Vegeta snapped angry by their faces.

     Goku spoke for everyone, "No we never meant that, it's just that were surprised you actually hugged someone." When Vegeta heard that his expression softened since he knew he wasn't the type to hug people but he pushed that out his mind.

     "All you go to your houses you should all be with your families." Everyone looked at him like they weren't buying it. Then Vegeta rolled his eyes and said, "Okay it's not that, I'm just tired of having you people in my presence." After he said that they all looked convinced and they all walked to their houses.

    Vegeta, Trunks and Tarble all stayed at the castle, while Goku, Turles, Raditz, Broly, Gohan and Goten all went to where Bardock and Gine lived. 

    "Do all of you live with my parents?" Goku asked Turles, Raditz and Broly.

    "Yes they do. Because they don't have anywhere else to go so mom and dad let them stay at our house." Raditz replied and when he said that they had just arrived at their house and Bardock and Gine were waiting for them inside. So Raditz opened the door and went inside.

     'Wait wasn't my dad just at the palace?' Goku thought. 'He must've gone home whenever we went to the palace doors.'

     Gine ran over to Goku and hugged him and then let go and faces him while pinching his face. "I'm so happy you're here Kakarot!" She squealed while smiling. Then she looked over to Goten and Gohan and walked over to them. "And who are these handsome young men?"

     Goku smiled at her and said, "They're my two sons Gohan is the oldest and Goten is the youngest." Then he scratched the back of his head when Gine started pinching Gohan's face. After she examined him she moved to Goten who instead of letting her pinch his face, hugged her then moved away.

     "I'm glad you raised two strong and healthy sons Kakarot." Bardock said with a smile. "But do they act like Saiyans or earthlings?"

     Goku gulped, "They fight and eat like Saiyans, but personality-wise they're more earthling." After saying that he looked down because he was afraid his parents would get mad. And since he just met them he wanted them to like him and love him since he was their son.

    "Well that's fine with me. As long as they fight like Saiyans they're fine in my eyes." Bardock said.

     Gine's eyes widened when she remembered something, "We don't have enough rooms for everyone to have their own. What're we gonna do now because I don't want any of these kids, family or not, to stay a motel." She looked at Bardock for an answer.

    Bardock hugged her in reassurance and then looked at Goku, "You wouldn't mind sharing a room with any of them would you?"

   Goku smiled, "Of course not." Gine smiled when she heard that and then she hugged Goku with joy making him unable to breathe, "Mom let go, I can't breathe." She let go and Goku panted for air.

   "Okay, Goku you'll share with Turles," Gins started and Goku almost choked on air when he heard he had to share a room with Turles, after looking at Goku really quick to see if he was okay Gine continued, "Raditz you'll share with Gohan and finally Broly you'll share with Goten. Now everyone go get settled in your new rooms."

   Raditz took Gohan to his room and Broly took Goten to his. Goku started to walk upstairs until Turles grabbed his wrist stopping him from going up any further. "And where do you think you're going?" Turles asked raising a brow. Goku looked at him and replied, "To your room."

    Turles smirked, "My room isn't upstairs." Goku looked at him confused. Turles started laughing.

    "But if your room isn't upstairs then where in the world could your room be?" Goku asked furrowing his brow in even more confusion as he tried to think about it. Turles tightened his grip on Goku's wrist and took him outside where there was a little house big enough for two people to live in.

    "I live there," Turles replied pointing to the little cabin.(A/N: we're going to call it a cabin instead of a little house.) Turles dragged Goku all the way to the door of it and then let go of his wrist to find his key. Soon after he found it he unlocked the door and they both walked inside.

   Goku marveled at how neat everything looked and when he finally snapped back to reality he asked, "But Mom said to take me to your room not your house! And if she said room then why do you live out here?"

     Turles looked at him and closes the door behind them and silently locked it. "Well there weren't enough room when I had to come live here as a kid when my parents died so they built me this cabin so I had someplace to stay."

    Goku looked at him understanding, "So what now?" Turles turned on the TV and started watching completely ignoring Goku's words. Goku sat down and made Turles sit down beside him, so he wouldn't strain his neck staring down at the TV. Goku stared at the Saiyan who was mesmerized by the TV and chuckled softly. And finally when Turles was done drowning himself in his TV shows it was already time for dinner and so they walked back to the house and ate with the others then walked back to the cabin and watched some more TV.

    Goku looked outside, there was a full-moon. Goku started to feel strange and he whimpered which surprised him. 'What's wrong with me I've never reacted to the moon like this before.' Then Goku started panting and his whimpers where getting louder. Turles heard his noises and looked at him and smirked. Turles' expression changed he came closer to Goku. Ad when Turles came closer every step he took Goku pants got heavier and whimpers got louder and he felt this strange yearning to be touched and caressed by Turles. Turles got excited about the noises he was hearing and because of how the full-moon was effecting him too.

   Once Turles reached Goku, Turles picked Goku up and carried to the bed and set him there.

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