Chapter 2

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The pain was everywhere.  It surrounded and consumed me. For a minute I thought it was death, but then again Theo always did call me a bit of a drama queen. I open my eyes and see the ceiling above me and I hear wrestling noises to my left. I turn my head to see what is happening and I see the girl who was standing at the door on top of Theo with his face dug in to the ground and his hands behind his back.

"Hey! Get off of him!"
I try to get up but I feel a huge pressure on my chest as the girl who was running at me slams her foot on my chest. I collapse back onto the ground.

"What is the meaning of this!?" I shout, wiggling under this girls foot.

"You are under direct violation of the Council by possessing supernatural demonic abilities and causing chaos to the common good." She says crossing her arms and giving me a smirk, like she took a long time to memorize that and she finally got it right. 

"But we haven't done anything!" Shouts Theo between groans of struggles.

"That has no effect in the matter. By possessing the abilities you automatically pose a threat to the common good of the people and thus must be detained." Says the girl again.

"That is absurd! To pose a threat you must be guilty of a crime or dangerous actions!"  Yells Theo, arguing as usual.

"Supernatural demonic abilities are dangerous actions." Says the girl wrestling Theo with increasing anger in her voice.

"Well that doesn't matter anymore because we performed a spell to reverse the curse. We are free."

As the words came out of the boy's mouth I wanted to burst out laughing and then slap him, or somewhere in between. 

"There is no way to reverse the curse, that is impossible.  The Council has been working to find a cure since the discovery of the curse and have only found that it is irreversible."

"You know pretty lady, if you stopped taking everything the Council said as set in stone and think for yourself, you might actually get somewhere." Said the boy with his hands behind his back as he smiled a little.
Between the smile and the 'pretty lady' comment I removed my foot from the boy below me and started to make my way over to the other boy, fists clenched.

"Callie!" Shouted Blair as she gave me a glare.
I reluctantly stopped and crossed my arms as I huffed in frustration.

"As I was saying, in order to reverse the curse the person must have the proper spell and be at the place during the same day of the year in which they were turned."

"And why would you think we would believe you?" I ask, still very skeptical.

"I don't. But believe me when I say that we have been working out entire lives to get rid of the curse so I will not go down without a fight." Says the boy with his hands behind his back. Even lying on the ground with his hands tied the boy looks very determined.

"Here is what is going to happen," says the girl with he blonde hair "whether or not you are demons we still have orders to take you back to the Council, and we will follow through with these. When we get to the city you can tell them what happened and they will make the final decision. Until then we will have to trust each other considering it takes about five days to get back to the city."
The girl releases Theo's hands and transfers to a more powerful looking posture.

"But believe me when I say this. You step a single toe in the wrong direction and I have nothing in my orders that tells me whether or not to bring you two back alive or dead."
She glares at the two of us until the brunette speaks up.

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