Chapter 7

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Just two days.
That's all we have left until we reach the city.
Callie and I have been training so much, I mean it's fun and all but it's really stressful with the time restraint. She is a quick learner and she definitely has her basic skills under control, and her fighting is already perfect from her Council training. So now the hard part begins. How in the world are we going to convince the Council we are innocent.
The group sits around a fire with Callie to my right and Blair to my let and Theo across from me.

"You guys said yourselves, you are some of the best soldiers they have and you still have no idea how they find out who is a demon?" I question. We have been sitting around for about half an hour trying to figure out a fool proof plan, but we haven't made much progress.

"We have never questioned it. We just go after who they tell us to and they have never been wrong so they was never a reason to ask how they know." Says Blair.

After a moment of silence Callie speaks up in a soft and gentle voice. "Baron, how did you know I was a demon?"

"Well, demons can usually sense when other demons are around, the power we give off is pretty obvious when close enough. But when your in transition you don't really give off enough power to be able to tell, but your symptoms were all very clear. You said your head hurt and your hearing was off, it was all pretty obvious."
She looks at the ground as we all go silent again. We all are very aware that our task has never been attempted before because of its dangerous results. It's practically a suicide mission. But we are also aware we really don't have another option.

"I think the only thing we can do is to act normal and tell them we are innocent. If they don't have anything to detect whether or not we are demons then we just have to stick to convincing them, and if they do..." Blair takes a long sigh. "Once they know what you two are there is no chance of you two could get out alive."
She takes off into the darkness and leaves the three of us to consider out approaching fate.

I am awoken by someone shaking me and I open my eyes to see Blair bent over me. I groan as I sit up from the harsh dirt and she speaks with fear and intensity in her eyes.

"We can just run away."

I stare at her, still adjusting to the dim light peaking over the horizon. Then I consider her words and realize she is completely serious.

"Wh...what?" I question.

"If we go into the city tomorrow our chances of survival are slim to none, but if we run away now we can start our own life. Sure it will be hard to survive on our own but that's nothing we can't handle. And I mean we would have to run from the Council but you always said you wanted to travel more right?"
She looks at me desperately with a weak smile on her face.
I look over and see Theo and Baron lying on the ground next to each other. Even with the dim light I can see Baron's face as his messy hair falls in front of his face a little. His face is so peaceful, something you never really get to see in anyone nowadays.

"We can't just leave them? Think of all they have done for us." I say looking back at Blair.

"They haven't done anything for us, it has all been for themselves.  Even without their powers they are just demons who will do anything to survive."

I look back at Baron and consider his peaceful face. "No they are not. They are brothers and humans just like us who love each other. They just want to be together and keep each other safe."

"And by getting us out of here I am keeping us safe."

"I would never forgive myself if we left them now. We are so close, and I am not spending the rest of my life running from something I have the power to change." I lie back down on the dirt and Blair walks away with a sigh.
Even though we have only a slim chance of success I am determined to keep going. And I can't leave Baron. He has taught me how to control myself and whether it has been because of him or because of my powers, I have never felt more alive than this last week. I will not spend my life running in fear, what kind of life would that be?

"I would never forgive myself if we left them now. We are so close, and I am not spending my life running from something I have the power to change."

I lie on the ground with my eyes shut but my ears wide open, listening. I was scared when Blair asked Callie to run away. We have worked so hard to get to where we are and Blair and Callie are the only two people I have really gotten to know besides Theo. It felt nice to have other people to talk to and laugh with, I think I would be devastated if they left now. But I am relieved Callie wants to stay. I do love that about her. She is fearless. Even when she knows we don't have much of a chance she still stays with us. Since I have met her I don't know what I would do without her.

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