Question: Will there be a sequel?

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Ever since I finished writing 'The Maid of Honour & The Jerky Best Man', I've always gotten comments and messages asking if I could write a sequel.

To be completely honest, I felt so relieved, you guys have no idea how relieved I felt that I finally finished writing the story because slowly it felt more like a hassle to upload the next chapter. I didn't really enjoy writing the story as much as I did the first time I wrote it. 

Then, I realised along the way as the story progressed, I made A LOT of mistakes. At first, I never thought about the flow of the story or how it was gonna finish so basically it was a spur of the moment kinda thing. I just went with the flow and wrote whatever was on my mind. 

I was re-reading my whole story a few weeks ago and  I couldn't believe that I actually wrote it - I noticed at times it was boring, the story flow choppy and some of the event of the story was not entertaining, in my opinion. 

If I did write a sequel, I would have no idea what to write about because I tried to finish Frankie and Shane's story. Plus, if I did write a sequel.. what else could happen between them? Frankie and Shane getting divorced? Shane cheating? Frankie dying? 

As you can see, the ideas I just thought of randomly wouldn't make up a good story and it would just drag the story on and on - now that's boring.

I've gotten comments before how the story ended up becoming boring as it went along and how some people skipped some chapters to get to the better parts (comments which I deeply appreciate). 

'The Maid of Honour & The Jerky Best Man' actually my first ever completed story so it may not or is not the best story I've ever written but it was the fun of it. I never really expected myself writing a whole story based on my imagination and having lots of people think it's actually good and it's worth a read and their time. 

Unforunately, my answer is no. I will not be writing a sequel to 'The Maid of Honour & The Jerky Best Man'. Please also be considerate. Please stop asking me if I'm gonna write a sequel because I will either: A) leave you a link to this or B) ignore you completely. Also don't think I'm being a b*tch about this. 

Maybe in the future, I might consider writing a sequel or possibly a spin off but I highly doubt it. I've got other stories and ideas that I really wanna write but I haven't even gotten around to writing them as you can see I have no time to write a sequel. I'm truly sorry if some of you really wanted a sequel.  

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