The Maid of Honour & The Jerky Best Man {Chapter 20}

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LO aka pinkdots21 © 2010

All Rights Reserved.


Enjoy! :D


Chapter 20:

The bottle spun it's way over to Robbie. From afar, I could sense Shane smirking. It was obvious that he found out about his little school-girl crush on Maggie after his go of truth. She was oblivious to the fact that Darren liked her no matter how many times he tried hitting on her.

"Ohhh, Robbieeeeeee" Shane said in a sing-song voice.

"Truth or dare?" Darren offered.

"Truth." Robbie sighed.

Darren's face went serious and his eyes were burning into Robbie's head. "Robbie, your my sister's best friend, right?" Darren started before Maggie interrupted his flow.

"Hey, what about me?" Maggie said annoyed.

"Okay, okay. Lemme rephrase that. You're my sister's best guyfriend right?" he stared at Robbie then glanced at Maggie looking for an approval. Maggie nodded her and Robbie answered.

"Yeah, why? What's this got to do with the game?" he asked curiously.

"I'm getting there, geez. Impatient much" he complained, "have you ever.."

"Ever, what?" Robbie asked.

"What I'm trying to say is.. that.." Darren looked hesistant for words.

"Spit out!" Maggie slapped the back of his head.

"Do you like Frankie?" Darren asked.

Suddenly, it was silent for a couple of moment before Robbie and I looked at each other and bursted into laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Me.. like.. you..!" I said in between laughs.

"I.. know.. right..! Oh my god. That's hilarious" Robbie said back to me.

Maggie, Darren and Shane looked stunned. Especially Darren. Poor boy, doesn't even know what's coming.

"Can I tell him?" I whispered to Robbie who was sitting next to me. All, he did was nod in response.

"Darren, relax. Robbie doesn't like me and I don't like him either" I started off, "Robbie's.. gay.." I dragged my words when I said it out loud.

Maggie's eyes grew to the size of ping pong balls then scrunched her eyebrows together. "You don't look gay.." her said her thoughts out loud.

"You don't look ignorant" Robbie said sarcastically. Maggie gave him a death glare and Darren started staring at Robbie.

"Dude, you serious? You're kidding me right?" Darren spoke up.

"Nope. Do I look like I'm the type of person to joke about something personal like that?" Robbie questioned Darren seriously.

"Umm, actually. Ye-"

"Don't answer that" I interjected.

"Well, that solved that mystery" Shane sighed.

"Mystery?" I asked.

"Yeah, coz when we first saw Robbie we thought he was your boyfriend then Brian came so things kinda cleared up and made sense but.." Shane began and Darren continued on.

"But we were wondering why mom let Robbie stay here since he's a guy and you know how dad's strict about boys in the house unless they're family friends and everything.."

I was trying to hold in my laughter but Robbie was letting it all out.

"Thing was that before Robbie came, I asked mom if Robbie could stay. And I told her that he was gay, she happily agreed to have Robbie stay in the guest room" I explained.

"That was a one heck of an explanation for one question" Maggie said bored. She spun the bottle and it landed on me.

"Truth or dare?" Darren asked.

Dare? Maybe not with this group of people. Truth, maybe? If I choose truth, they'll just squeeze my secrets out. Dare, perhaps. Wait, they might make me do something stupid or worse. Make me kiss Shane again. Not that I didn't like kissing Shane but I do have my limits right now.

"Truth" was the safest bet at the moment.

Robbie and Darren were discussing what to ask and I saw Maggie lean in closer to Shane and whispered something in his ear.

Shane let out a chuckled and Maggie was whispering something to Shane then Shane smirked. Maggie went over to Robbie and whispered something to him. I have a feeling I don't like the all whispering. Robbie and Maggie and nodded at the same time, I'm guessing they were agreeing on something.

"Do you find Shane attractive?" Robbie asked. When I heard him ask that I nearly choked. I nearly choked on air! And that's impossible - I think it's impossible.

"W-why would you asked that" I stuttered.

"Oh, coz we're just curious,you know?" Maggie smirked.

"Okay, fine. Yes, sure. I mean, there's so many girls at school who go weak in their knees when they see you" I said, looking at Shane who had a smirked plastered onto his face.

"Are you one of those girls?" Maggie asked.

"N-no." I said. "Wait, you already asked me my question. Next person!" I said, trying to avoid their questions.

"Darren, Shane. You'll give up your go and give them to Frankie, right?" she turned to the boys."Yeah, sure. Coz I'm really curious" Shane winked. "Me too" Darren agreed.

"Ever heard of the saying 'Curiousity killed the cat'?" I said annoyed.

"Andsatisfactionbrought him back" Shane retorted.I grumbled since he knew the saying well. So he isn't as stupid as he seems.

"Next question aimed at Frankie?" Maggie asked.

"Yesterday, I told you I liked you.." That earned us some gasps from Robbie and Darren.

"Yeah, I know. So I'm asking. Do you love me?" he looked at me straight in the eyes.

I decide to be sneaky and answers with a question. "Do you love me?"

"Yes, I do" he was quick at answering back. "Back to my question. Yes or no?"

At that moment, Maggie and Robbie started to get up from the living room floor and walk outside. Darren hadn't left yet. Maggie realised at and came back inside to drag Darren out.

"Hey, I wanted to lis-" Darren pouted.

"You really don't know the meaning of privacy, do you?" I heard her say from outside. I let out a laugh then I realised that Shane was closer to me than ever before.

"Well, do you?" he repeated himself.

I leaned in and slowly pressed my lips onto his and quickly lean back.

"Yes. I do."

He crashed his soft lips against mine. It felt like a millions fireworks had just set off through my entire body. It felt like the world had stopping spinning allowing me to enjoy this moment. It felt right, that's what it was. Right.


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